


Drawrot » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Per Amundsen, 07/20/2016 10:52 AM) → Revision 3/13 (Per Amundsen, 12/20/2018 11:23 PM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 

 */drawrot -hmnbfc <@window> [color] <angle> [x y w h]* 

 Rotates an area of a bitmap by the specified angle. 


 -b - Indicates that you have specified the background color value. (The [colors] is always in [[$rgb]] format) value 
 -f - TODO 
 -c - centers the rotated image if -f is not specified. TODO 
 -m - Changes the stretch mode quality when the picture is resized. 


 <@window> - Name of the window to rotate. 
 [color] - The background color to use if -b is defined. 
 <angle> - The angle of the rotation. 
 [x y w h] - The area to rotate.