Editor Options » History » Version 3
Per Amundsen, 03/26/2021 09:29 PM
1 | 1 | Per Amundsen | {{>toc}} |
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3 | h1. Editor Options |
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5 | !editoroptions.png! |
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7 | There are various options in the Editor which affects various features. |
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9 | h2. Initialization warning |
10 | |||
11 | If enabled, loading new scripts in the [[Scripteditor_Dialog|Script Editor}} which contains a [[on START]] or [[on LOAD]] event will ask to execute these events. |
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13 | h2. Ask To Save Files |
14 | |||
15 | If enabled, AdiIRC will ask before closing a editor if there are unsaved changes. |
16 | |||
17 | h2. Monitor File Changes. |
18 | |||
19 | if enabled, AdiIRC will monitor all loaded vars/users/menu/aliases/script files for file changes and ask for confirmation before reloading them. |
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21 | h2. Backup Files On Save |
22 | |||
23 | If enabled, AdiIRC will first write to a temporary file the copy the temporary file over the target file. |
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25 | h2. Indent Format On Exit |
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27 | If enabled, AdiIRC will perform *check bracket* on the file when the edit is closed. |
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29 | The check bracket feature indents the code with whitespaces according to the bracket { } level and displays a warning if there are mismatched number of brackets. (the warning is suppressed on closing) |
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31 | This: |
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33 | <pre> |
34 | 2 | Per Amundsen | alias myalias { |
35 | 1 | Per Amundsen | command1 |
36 | command2 |
37 | if (1 == 1) { |
38 | command3 |
39 | command4 |
40 | } |
41 | } |
42 | </pre> |
43 | |||
44 | becomes this: |
45 | |||
46 | <pre> |
47 | 2 | Per Amundsen | alias myalias { |
48 | 1 | Per Amundsen | command1 |
49 | command2 |
50 | if (1 == 1) { |
51 | command3 |
52 | command4 |
53 | } |
54 | } |
55 | </pre> |
56 | 3 | Per Amundsen | |
57 | h2. Find Selection |
58 | |||
59 | if enabled, the current selection text will be searched in the search panel when clicking the Menubar (inside the editor) -> Edit -> Find menu item or when pressing the %(key)CTRL% + %(key)F% shortcut. |
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61 | h2. Cycle search results |
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63 | if enabled, AdiIRC will continue searching from the top when there are no new matches in the search panel, otherwise it stops searching. |
64 | |||
65 | h2. Line Numbers |
66 | |||
67 | Enables or disables the line numbers panel in the editor. |
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69 | h2. Identifier Warning |
70 | |||
71 | If enabled, AdiIRC will show a scripting error/warning when a identifier is used which doesn't exist. |
72 | |||
73 | _See also [[$~]]._ |
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75 | h2. Always On Top |
76 | |||
77 | If enabled, the editor will always be on top of other windows. |
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79 | h2. Show On Desktop |
80 | |||
81 | If enabled, the editor will be shown on the desktop as a stand alone window and have a taskbar icon, otherwise it will be floated/glued to the AdiIRC main window. |
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83 | h2. Set External Editor |
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85 | Set a external program/editor to open the file with when clicking the sidebar file menu -> Open in External Editor. |
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87 | h2. Show Scripts List. |
88 | |||
89 | Enables or disables the sidebar file list. The list can also be accessed from the Menubar (inside the editor) -> View. |
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91 | h2. Show Top Panel |
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93 | Enables or disables the Top panel underneath the Menubar (inside the editor). |
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95 | h2. Word wrap |
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97 | Enables or disables "word wrapping":https://www.computerhope.com/jargon/w/wordwrap.htm in the editor. |
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99 | h2. Use smooth scrolling |
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101 | Enables or disables smooth scrolling in the editor. |
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103 | h2. Close Icon |
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105 | Off - Disables the close icon in the sidebar list. |
106 | On Hovering - Show the close icon in the sidebar list only when hovering a file. |
107 | Active - Show the close icon in the sidebar list for the active file only. |
108 | Always - Always Show the close icon in the sidebar list for all files. |