



Highlights Options » History » Revision 8

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Per Amundsen, 06/25/2016 03:27 AM

Highlights Options

Use highlight

Enables or disables the highlight system.

Highlight entire line

Entire message line will be colored in the matched highlight color instead of just the word.

[42:42] <Nick2> I am highlighting your Nick

[42:42] <Nick2> I am highlighting your Nick

Enabled notice alert

If enabled and the current window is not the window where the highlight occured, a notice showing the highlight message, from who and where will be shown in your active window.

[42:42] -Highlight Alert- Nick2: I am highlighting your Nick (Freenode/#adiirc)

Flash icons

Enable or disable flashing of icons in Treebar/Switchbar

Enable sounds

Enables or disables sounds/beep for all highlight words.

Enable tips

Enables or disables Tip messages for all highlight words.

Animate Trayicon on Highlights

The # in the trayicon will flash/blink between white and black when you are highlighted.

Animate Trayicon on Private Message

The # in the trayicon will flash/blink between white and black when you receive a private message.

Whois on Highlights

Sends a /whois nick request whenever you are highlighted.

There is a internal delay to avoid triggering every time you are highlighted from the same nick.

Whois on Private Message

Sends a /whois nick request whenever you receive a private message.

There is a internal delay to avoid triggering every time you receive a message same nick.

Flash on Highlights

Enables or disables flashing main window in the Taskbar when you are highlighted for all highlight words.

Flash on Private Message

If enabled, will flash the main window in the Taskbar when you receive a private message.

Flash on Channel Message

If enabled, will flash the main window in the Taskbar when someone types a message on a channel.

Highlight list

Add/Edit Highlight Dialog

Ignore highlights from channels/users

All highlight options will be ignored on channel or users in this list.

Updated by Per Amundsen almost 9 years ago · 27 revisions

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