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Mr. BS, 02/18/2017 12:01 AM
Token Manipulation¶
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- Token Manipulation
Token in AdiIRC scripting are lists of strings that is separated by a single unique character.
The numerical representation of space char in ASCII table is 32, and 44 is for comma.
//set -e %q = which came first, the chicken or the egg? ; Will print 2, because it has a single comma "splitting" the text in two parts. //echo -ag $numtok(%q, 44) ; Will print 8, because in this case are 8 strings separated by space char. //echo -ag $numtok(%q, 32)
To help you to manipulate list of tokens, there is an extensive set of identifiers and commands.
Added in 1.9.0
Adds a token to the end of text but only if it is not already in text.
$addtok is case-insensitive, see $addtokcs for case-sensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | Token to add. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Returns a.b.c.d //echo -ag $addtok(a.b.c,d,46) ; Returns a.b.c.d //echo -ag $addtok(a.b.c.d,c,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Adds a token to the end of text but only if it is not already in text.
$addtokcs is case-sensitive, see $addtok for case-insensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | Token to add. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Returns a.b.c.D //echo -ag $addtokcs(a.b.c,D,46) ; Returns a.b.c.d //echo -ag $addtokcs(a.b.c.d,c,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Deletes the Nth token from text.
N-N2 can be used to get a range of tokens, both numbers can be negative.
N- can be used to get all tokens from position N.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
N | N2 - The range of tokens or Nth token to delete. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Delete the 3rd token, result is 'a.b.d' //echo -ag $deltok(a.b.c.d,3,46) ; Delete the second to third token, result is 'a.d' //echo -ag $deltok(a.b.c.d,2-3,46) ; Delete all tokens from the second to end. //echo -ag $deltok(a.b.c.d,2-,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the position of the Nth matching token in text.
$findtok is case-insensitive, see $findtokcs for case-sensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | The token to find. |
N | The Nth token to find. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Find position where token 'c' starts. //echo -ag $findtok(a.b.c.d,c,1,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the position of the Nth matching token in text.
$findtokcs is case-sensitive, see $findtok for case-insensitive version.
text - The text to tokenize.
token - The token to find.
N - The Nth token to find.
C - The ASCII value to tokenize by.
; Find position where token 'C' starts. //echo -ag $findtokcs(a.b.C.d,c,1,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the Nth token in text.
Same as $token.
N-N2 can be used to get a range of tokens, both numbers can be negative.
N- can be used to get all tokens from position N.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
N | The Nth token to get. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Print the 3rd token in 'a.b.c.d.e'. //echo -ag $gettok(a.b.c.d.e,3,46) ; Print the second to forth token in 'a.b.c.d.e'. //echo -ag $gettok(a.b.c.d.e,2-4,46) ; Print all tokens from the second position. //echo -ag $gettok(a.b.c.d.e,2-,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Inserts token into the Nth position in text, even if it already exists in text.
N can be a negative value.
Parameter | Description |
text | Text to add the token to. |
token | Token to insert. |
N | The Nth position to insert at. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Insert token 'c' at token position '3'. //echo -ag $instok(a.b.d,c,3,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns $true if token exists in text, otherwise returns $false.
$istok is case-insensitive, see $istokcs for a case-sensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | The token to check. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Check if 'b' is a token in 'a.b.c.d' //echo -ag $istok(a.b.c.d, b, 46)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns $true if token exists in text, otherwise returns $false.
$istokcs is case-sensitive, see $istok for a case-insensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | The token to check. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Check if 'B' is a token in 'a.B.c.d' //echo -ag $istokcs(a.B.c.d, B, 46)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns tokens that contain the specified string.
$matchtok is case-insensitive, see $matchtokcs for case-sensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
string | Search string. |
N | If N is 0, returns number of matches, otherwise returns the Nth match. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Returns number of matches //echo -ag $matchtok(one two three, e, 0, 32) ; Returns the second match //echo -ag $matchtok(one two three, e, 2, 32)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns tokens that contain the specified string.
$matchtokcs is case-sensitive, see $matchtok for case-insensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
string | Search string. |
N | If N is 0, returns number of matches, otherwise returns the Nth match. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Returns number of matches //echo -ag $matchtokcs(onE two thrEe, E, 0, 32) ; Returns the second match //echo -ag $matchtokcs(onE two thrEe, E, 2, 32)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns number of tokens in text.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Print number of tokens in text //echo -ag $numtok(a.b.c.d.e, 46)
Added in 1.9.0
Overwrites the Nth token in text with a new token.
N-N2 can be used to get a range of tokens, both numbers can be negative.
N- can be used to get all tokens from position N.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | Token to put. |
N | The Nth token to replace. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Replace the second token with 'e'. //echo -ag $puttok(a.b.c.d,e,2,46) ; Print the second to third token to 'e'. //echo -ag $puttok(a.b.c.d,e,2-3,46) ; Replace all tokens from position 2 to 'e'. //echo -ag $puttok(a.b.c.d,e,2-,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Removes the Nth matching token from text.
$remtok is case-insensitive, see $remtokcs for case-sensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | Token to remove. |
N | If N = 0, all matching tokens, otherwise the Nth token. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Remove the first 'b' token. //echo -ag $remtok(a.b.c.d,b,1,46) ; Remove all 'b' tokens. //echo -ag $remtok(a.b.b.b,b,0,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Removes the Nth matching token from text.
$remtokcs is case-sensitive, see $remtok for case-insensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | Token to remove. |
N | If N = 0, all matching tokens, otherwise the Nth token. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Remove the first 'B' token. //echo -ag $remtokcs(a.b.B.c.d,B,1,46) ; Remove all 'B' tokens. //echo -ag $remtokcs(a.b.B.B,b,0,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Replaces the Nth matching token in text with a new token.
$reptok is case-insensitive, see $reptokcs for case-sensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | Token to match. |
new | New token to replace with. |
[N] | If N = 0, all matching tokens, otherwise the Nth match. (Optional, default is 1) |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Replace the first token matching 'b' with 'e' //echo -ag $reptok(a.b.c.d,b,e,1,46) ; Replace all tokens matching 'b' with 'e' //echo -ag $reptok(b.b.b.c,b,e,0,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Replaces the Nth matching token in text with a new token.
$reptokcs is case-sensitive, see $reptok for case-insensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
token | Token to match. |
new | New token to replace with. |
[N] | If N = 0, all matching tokens, otherwise the Nth match. (Optional, default is 1) |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Replace the first token matching 'B' with 'E' //echo -ag $reptokcs(a.B.b.c.d,B,E,1,46) ; Replace all tokens matching 'B' with 'e' //echo -ag $reptokcs(B.B.B.b,B,e,0,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Sorts the tokens in text.
$sorttok is case-insensitive, see $sorttokcs for case-sensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
ncra | n = numeric sort, c = channel nick prefix sort, r = reverse sort, a = alphanumeric sort. (Default is an alphabetic sort) |
; Sort the tokens alphanumeric //echo -ag $sorttok(e.d.c.b.a,46) ; Sort the tokens numeric, reversed //echo -ag $sorttok(,46,nr)
Added in 1.9.0
Sorts the tokens in text.
$sorttokcs is case-sensitive, see $sorttok for case-insensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
ncra | n = numeric sort, c = channel nick prefix sort, r = reverse sort, a = alphanumeric sort. (Default is an alphabetic sort) |
; Sort the tokens alphanumeric //echo -ag $sorttokcs(e.D.c.b.a,46)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the Nth token that matches the wildcard string.
$wildtok is case-insensitive, see $wildtokcs for case-sensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
wildstring | String to search. |
N | If N = 0, return number of matching tokens, otherwise the Nth token. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Prints the number of matches from the wildstring 't*'. //echo -ag $wildtok(one two three, t*, 0, 32) ; Prints the first match from the wildstring 't*e'. //echo -ag $wildtok(one two three, t*e, 1, 32)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the Nth token that matches the wildcard string.
$wildtokcs is case-sensitive, see $wildtok for case-insensitive version.
Parameter | Description |
text | The text to tokenize. |
wildstring | String to search. |
N | If N = 0, return number of matching tokens, otherwise the Nth token. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
; Prints the number of matches from the wildstring 'T*'. //echo -ag $wildtokcs(one two Three, T*, 0, 32) ; Prints the first match from the wildstring 'T*e'. //echo -ag $wildtokcs(one two Three, T*e, 1, 32)
Added in 1.9.0
/tokenize <C> <text>
Fills the $1 $2 ... $N identifiers with tokens in <text> separated by character <c>.
Parameter | Description |
<C> | The ASCII value to separate by. |
<text> | The text to separate. |
; Separate the text "one:two:three" by ASCII value 58 (:) //tokenize 58 one:two:three | echo -a Result of $!2: $2
Added in 1.9.0
This is a special identifier which can be used to loop a script line for each token in $1-.
; Create a loopme alias. alias loopme { echo -ag Current token is $* } ; Call the loopme alias. /loopme a b c d e f g
Updated by Mr. BS about 8 years ago · 3 revisions