

Snork Asaurus

  • Login: snorkasaurus
  • Registered on: 01/30/2015
  • Last sign in: 02/05/2017


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10:37 PM AdiIRC Support: RE: Crash When Run From Network
Ah Ha! I kept picking away at it, and it seems that if I have .NET v2.0 installed it does not work from a network sh... Snork Asaurus
09:50 PM AdiIRC Support: RE: Crash When Run From Network
Hmmm, perhaps that reply was a bit hasty? I guess if it works locally _without_ .NET v3.5 then it isn't really a req... Snork Asaurus
09:47 PM AdiIRC Support: RE: Crash When Run From Network
Ahh, I found it. As soon as I installed Microsoft .NET v3.5 SP1 it worked on my XP boxes.
Is there any chance tha...
Snork Asaurus
08:26 PM AdiIRC Support: RE: Crash When Run From Network
Thanks for the quick reply...
I was able to get my hands on a Win7 box this morning, from which I *was* able to ru...
Snork Asaurus
03:13 PM AdiIRC Support: Crash When Run From Network
I am running v1.9.6 portable on XP. When I try to start the application from a mapped network drive I ...
Snork Asaurus


02:50 PM AdiIRC Scripting : RE: Content Filtering
Sweet! I made a couple of small changes and it seems to be working perfectly now with this:... Snork Asaurus
08:36 AM AdiIRC Scripting : RE: Content Filtering
Hi PA,
Thanks for the incredibly fast reply! I tried a copy/paste of that script [with my channel and nick values...
Snork Asaurus
07:45 AM AdiIRC Scripting : Content Filtering
Is there a way to do rule based content filtering in AdiIRC? For example:
- if channel = #funchan &...
Snork Asaurus

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