

Nosh tzy

  • Login: Noshtzy
  • Registered on: 12/18/2016
  • Last sign in: 12/19/2016


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12:37 PM AdiIRC Support: RE: Prevent text wrapping when auto-hiding nicklist appears?
Maximized Nosh tzy
02:05 AM AdiIRC Support: RE: Prevent text wrapping when auto-hiding nicklist appears?
I know it's low priority, but thanks just the same! Nosh tzy
01:56 AM AdiIRC Support: RE: Prevent text wrapping when auto-hiding nicklist appears?
I wasn't aware, it's a handy shortcut. I just started using AdiIRC today. What I meant was more of a quality-of-life ... Nosh tzy
12:40 AM AdiIRC Support: Prevent text wrapping when auto-hiding nicklist appears?
I'm loving AdiIRC so far, but I'm always trying to find ways to create more horizontal space. Turning off the nick co... Nosh tzy
12:16 AM AdiIRC Support: RE: Constraining random nick colors?
That worked, thanks! Nosh tzy


11:07 PM AdiIRC Support: Constraining random nick colors?
Is there a way to disallow the use of certain colors for the random nick colors option? I use a black background and ... Nosh tzy

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