Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications
Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
Hi. Very good IRC client but two things keep me from using it as my only cilent.
1. I cannot remove the chat.freenode... thing from the Treebar. I use only one network and server, and whenever I open Adiirc the freenode entry is always there. I remove it (from context menu), and it only disappears when I connect to my other network. After I restart the app, it is still there.
2. When there is an event requiring notifictions - highlight in a chat or private message, it correctly flashes tray icon and taskbar button. However when I open the window (give focus) the two won't stop flashing until I repeat the procedure - make Adiirc lose focus then regain focus (click the window) - only then notifications are cleared.
I've been testing the app twice and just now I decided to report the issues that are deal-breakers for me, I'd say.
Replies (23)
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
That is the default server window, you can change the settings for it in Options -> Quick connect, you can also connect another server into the window using /server or clicking "Connect" in the Serverlist, so this shouldn't be an issue.
For the second issue, I have not been able to reproduce it, maybe give some more information about the AdiIRC version, windows version, whether you are using any programs that modifies windows default behaviour such as "Actual Window Manager" etc
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
About the first issue - Yes, I found that Q Connect is responsible for the initial entry in Treebar. Still it is not intuitive. If I delete all fields in QC, the entry becomes dummy (empty) and trying to choose Connect button, tries to connect to localhost, with no success (obviously). This entry should not be there, especially in this case.
Also, connecting from Server list is slow - I have to also close the dialog after connecting. I guess this is more like feature request but in other clients I could connect quickly to some of the last servers with a dropdown (like fast history) on a 'connect' button on the toolbar or something. That would be great.
2. Absolutely default Server 2016 with no modifications. I have a fellow that uses Adiirc on Win10, he has the same problem but never found the time to report the bug. Adiirc, last version installed and testing today.
I minimize Adiirc, then mention my nick on another computer with another irc account/nick (or I make someone else on the channel mention my nick) and Adiirc's button and tray start flashing. I restore the app, the flashing never goes away. I have to click elsewhere (e.g. desktop) then back to adiirc to make it stop flashing. So, not just me.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Default server window is fine, it's the same in most clients, obviously removing the defaults then trying to connect wont work, that's not a bug.
Typical workflow is adding all your servers to the Serverlist, they can be added from a list of default servers, you can add them as favorites, in Menubar -> Server you have quick access to favorites, history and all the servers you have added to the Serverlist.
You say flashing, are you talking about Taskbar flashing, or Treebar/Switchbar flashing?
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
I'm talking about tray and treebar channel icon - they stop flashing when I repeat the procedure to focus/lose_focus/refocus the window.
I usually keep my IRC clients hidden from the taskbar anyway, and only visible in the tray.
The favorites and History doesn't seem to work either. I add the network to Favorites, and it doesn't appear there and if I click Favorites, nothing happens. I connect to that network from Server list, then disconnect, then nothing Server - Favorites, nothing in Server - History. I quit the app, relaunch, no Favorites, no History either. I go to Server list, right click my network and I can see "Remove from favorites" item.
So, I'm sorry, not working for me. Using Administrator user.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Before I make a debug build, what is the output from typing //echo -ag $version - $dotnet - $bits in the Editbox?
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
2.9 - v4.0.30319 - 64
P.S. Also, if I restore from minimized state after a highlight and then just minimize instead of clicking outside (desktop for example), then restore, this doesn't count - it doesn't stop flashing tray and treebar icon. I can minimize/restore countless times with no effect - I have to click elsewhere on the desktop then back in adiirc to stop the flashing.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Just noticed the favorite issue was fixed in beta already #3690
I created this debug build https://adiirc.com/build/AdiIRC64.exe, download it, close AdiIRC, replace the old AdiIRC.exe with this one, run it, then go to Menubar -> Rawlog, keep that window open, whenever you have one of the issues, go to Rawlog -> Debug, press the Save button to save the debug log, and then email it to me at amundsen@gmail.com, or attach it there or copy paste it here.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
I sent the log. In this beta 3, the Favorites submenu is working, but the Server History is not working, it is still grayed out after connecting, disconnecting and relaunching the app.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Can you describe how exactly you activate AdiIRC?
Edit: Asking because the log is very puzzling and I was not able to replicate it.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Also, how are you connecting to servers?
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
I don't quite understand your questions.
I activate AdiIRC's window with the mouse or Alt+Tab.
As to servers, I forgot (I ceased to experiment with the app because I've chosen another irc program for daily needs) but I think I used Ctrl+S and some Connect button.
Your app was recommended by a fellow from IRC, he is using Win10 and he experiences exactly the same problem with flashing notifications, as I pointed out previously.
I used another program on my old Win7 machine but recently I upgraded, installed new OS and I was searching for alternative.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
I need to know the state of the AdiIRC window before it's activated, e.g is it in the tray or just minimised to the Taskbar or just below other windows, and how exactly the window is activated when this issue happens.
It might also be an option causing this, if you or the fellow could open your config.ini, remove anything personal, then email it to me at amundsen@gmail.com, that would help a lot.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
About the state, now I tested again, for some reason it only bugs when the window is minimized to taskbar (not to the tray).
I could've sworn it was misbehaving also when hidden in the tray. Will test more. I had it installed on 3 virtual machines as well, so maybe there is something in the options as well.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Thanks for testing and sending the config, I was able to reproduce it using your config and minimizing to Taskbar, I will investigate more and see if I can find a fix.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
I tracked down a hack I made which is causing this issue and I removed it in this build https://adiirc.com/build/AdiIRC64.exe
The hack was needed to fix a bug in the .NET framework, but I don't remember exactly what the bug was, so there will probably be some back/forth over the next few public beta's before I find a permanent fix.
You and your fellow can keep using the linked build until then.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
Thanks. Now I'm using another app successfully (I've been testing different apps last two months to replace my old app I was using on Win7 for years) and my fellow is not so picky about this bug and will wait for some major version anyway.
I'll keep an eye on AdiIRC though. It is promising. Maybe just not mature enough for my taste. (I still couldn't get used to the way some things work)
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
AdiIRC is 10+ years old and very mature, I consider it mostly feature complete, there are a few bugs here and there and a couple more features I want to add, but nothing major so if another app better suits you better, you should use that.
I am curious though, what didn't you get used to?
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
Well, I like to test all kinds of softwares every now and then to search for better alternatives (or when I upgrade OS), and when I do, I do it with tens of them, for many kind of tasks. I didn't seem to have got across your app when testing IRC apps in the past. That's why I thought it was relatively new.
As to things to get used to, mostly interface. Toolbar seems incomplete (by default) with only few options I never use anyway (but lacks others like history of recent servers in a dropdown for example), the treebar inconsistency (yes, for me it's an inconsistency), few basic things not working (favorites, History of servers, those things should be very mature and working flawlessly by now if the app is mature), it uses 3x RAM than other apps that are even platform-independent (this is not a great issue anyway), but otherwise it is great, just.... somehow those 3-4 things make it not my "thing' for now. But it is the first contender to switch to if my primary gets abandoned or something. Not many (good) IRC clients left out there these days.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
AdiIRC is not very well known, I kinda like it like that :)
I agree, there should be more Toolbar buttons/icons, I am not very good with graphics so it just never happened.
Most Toolbar icons have a right-click menu though, for the Serverlist it lists all the servers added to the Serverlist, but it could have history as well, same as Menubar -> Server, the server history does work, not sure why it doesn't work for you, that's why I asked how you were connecting to servers, maybe there was a regression in the methods you use (there are a lot).
The Favorites issue was a regression from the last release, it happens__.
AdiIRC does not use 3x ram as you can see from https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/wiki/FAQ#Why-does-task-manager-show-high-memory-usage-for-AdiIRC, but I can understand why you would think that.
I appreciate your input though, thanks.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Forgot to mention, the Toolbar can be completely customized using /toolbar.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
Well, at least for me, it is using ~3x more RAM than my current chosen app. All three columns in task manager prove that, also I tend to test by comparing free ram in task manager with and without an app being started. But whether 30 or 80MB RAM, is not a big issue these days.
Yes, the Favorites might be a last-version-regression, still the latest stable is 3 months old on the site :) . I don't like using betas or alfas. I know it happens in principle, I'm a developer as well (but web).
History menu is not wokring for me, I don't know why. I used to connect by the server list dialog (ctrl+S) and the last server(s) didn't populate in History. Don't know the intended behavior, my expectations are to find there the last connected servers. Those lists (favorites/history) should be very easily accessible, preferrably from the toolbar, by visible means).
I appreciate your answers as well. My aim is if the app could get better and one day to return to it. Thanks.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
It's more like 2 months old, but yes I should have made a new stable with a fix for the favorites issue sooner, I usually do a new stable every 3 months so next one is due soon.
As my link state, AdiIRC is written in .NET, the .NET engine allocates/de-allocates ram as it seems most efficient, the numbers in the task manager is misleading, but you can type /gcmem in AdiIRC to see the real actual memory usage.
I'll look into adding better right-click menus for the Serverlist, and improve/fixing server history, it should be as you said, flawless.
RE: Bugs in treebar (cannot remove default) and notifications - Added by Teodor T over 7 years ago
Thanks, I see.
I can be easy at switching to another client if it proves way better. What I miss (only) in my current client is my own nick is not actually colored in a different (from all others) color, while my texts are actually different color. Your app has much better customizability colors-wise.
As to memory, Ok, noted.
If I switch to AdiIRC I can assure you I can find many "hidden" bugs if there are any because I tend to use apps somehow in rare ways, or with long uptimes (4-5+ months 24/7) where many apps malfunction one way or another :) .