


Font Rendering Issue

Added by Megan Woulffe almost 6 years ago

So, I've tried this with other fonts, and the result is the same. Nicks, channel names, and possibly a few other things end up getting the last part of the last letter cut off if the text is bold and/or italicized. I'm currently using Noto Sans Mono Regular at 12 point.
I've attached a screenshot showing the issue, not the slicing of the lowercase b, a, and f letters, but all letters do this to an extent.

Replies (3)

RE: Font Rendering Issue - Added by Per Amundsen almost 6 years ago

This can happen when Options -> Messages -> Pixel Spacing is larger than 0 on some fonts because it has to clip the rectangle, you could try changing it to 0.

RE: Font Rendering Issue - Added by Per Amundsen almost 6 years ago

Looking through things the code, I think I can figure out a way to avoid the clipping even when pixel spacing is enabled, I'll look into that for next beta.

RE: Font Rendering Issue - Added by Megan Woulffe almost 6 years ago

Changing the pixel spacing worked like a dream! Is that spacing above and below the lines then?
