


AdiIRC Notify

Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago


I added to my 'Notify list' a couple of nicknames, so I would notice when they arrive online. And I also added a different "online play sound" for each user.

The problem is: when 2 users appear online, I get a notifying sound for one user only. (Although I set a different online sound for each one)

So is there a way to make AdiIRC play the 2 different sounds for each user when they arrive online?

Replies (21)

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

Even when I try changing someone's 'online sound' - it doesn't change, and keeps playing the first online sound I chose

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

I think the issue can be solved through that script.

Could you please tell me how to edit that script in a way that would allow me to add a different "online play sound/offline play sound" to every single user on my notify list

on *:NOTIFY:/echo -ta 5* $nick arrived online | /splay c:\path\to\file.wav

on *:UNOTIFY:/echo -ta 5* $nick went offline | /splay c:\path\to\file.wav

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago

It should work if you uncheck "Use default sounds" on each Notify nick.

I'll make it it gray out other sound options when it's checked.

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

I tried unchecking 'use default sounds' but nothing has changed.

I'm sure the problem is in the script, since the 'splay' sets the sound to a certain file.wav. Therefore the "online play sound/offline play sound" can't be changed later on.

Is there a way to change the 'splay' line in the script - to make it open to different sounds?

on *:NOTIFY:/echo -ta 5* $nick arrived online | /splay c:\path\to\file.wav

on *:UNOTIFY:/echo -ta 5* $nick went offline | /splay c:\path\to\file.wav

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago

Remove the /splay from your script, add the nicks and set their sound in Options -> Notify but remember to uncheck "Use default sounds" for each nick.

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

Plays the sound when they go offline. But doesn't play any sound when they arrive online

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago

I am not able to replicate that, it plays on both here.

Make sure you removed /splay from both NOTIFY and UNOTIFY.

Also keep in mind, manually updating the notify list status or typing /notify does not play sounds.

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

I removed the /splay from both lines.

But the problem is I can't choose a different sound for each user. It only plays the first sound I chose for the online sound and for the offline sound, and it plays it for all users, not allowing me to change the sound; even if i uncheck 'use default sounds'

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago

I added 2 different nicks in Options -> Notify, set the Online/Offline sounds to 4 different sound files and unchecked "Use default sounds", each individual sound file is played when the user goes online or offline.

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

And after removing /splay from the script, it doesn't play a notify sound when I log on chat while one of the users on my list is online.
It only plays sound when a user on my list arrives AFTER I join

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago

That is the intended behavior.

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

Is there a way to change it, so that it would give me a notify sound when I log on chat and there's a user on my list online?

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago

It doesn't make any sense, if you had 20 users online, it would have to try play 20 sounds at once.

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago

You can use this instead:

on *:NOTIFY:{
  if ($nick == nick1) /splay c:\path\to\file.wav
  else if ($nick == nick2) /splay c:\path\to\file2.wav
  else if ($nick == nick3) /splay c:\path\to\file3.wav

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

You are absolutely correct. But I use it with 2 users only. So it's not gonna be "that noisy or disturbing" in my case.

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

Working. Many thanks

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

No, it's not working.

It only makes an online sound for 1 user only, even when 2 users are online.

When I said it's working, I tried it with 1 user, and I thought it would work for more than 1

So no matter how many names I add to that script you sent me, it would still work for 1 user only

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago

It is working, only one song can be played at once as I mentioned earlier. You can use the -q parameter for /splay to queue a song to play after the current one.

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago

Where exactly to place -q parameter

on *:NOTIFY:{
  if ($nick == nick1) /splay c:\path\to\file.wav
  else if ($nick == nick2) /splay c:\path\to\file2.wav
  else if ($nick == nick3) /splay c:\path\to\file3.wav

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago

on *:NOTIFY:{
  if ($nick == nick1) /splay -q c:\path\to\file.wav
  else if ($nick == nick2) /splay -q c:\path\to\file2.wav
  else if ($nick == nick3) /splay -q c:\path\to\file3.wav

RE: AdiIRC Notify - Added by Q Steinberg almost 5 years ago


