


Set Away

Added by Q Steinberg over 4 years ago

To set myself Away, I click on Commands - Set Away - and then I click ON - and I enter the Away Msg and click OK.

And when someone tries to msg me, they automatically receive the Away Msg that I entered.

Is there a command that I could add next to the 'Away Msg' to show for how long I was away? For example: when someone sends me a message, they would receive this auto response: * Steinberg is away: away at Fri Jul 31 10:29:53 2020

Replies (2)

RE: Set Away - Added by Paul Janson about 4 years ago

I'm sure people in other timezones would be more interested in how-long rather than timestamps according to your clock, but:

//if ($awaytime) echo -a i have been away for $duration($v1,3) which began at $asctime($calc($ctime - $v1))

RE: Set Away - Added by Q Steinberg about 4 years ago

Is there a way to put it in a script, so it would automatically work after I set Away On from Commands?

Because that's how I set my status to away, since I use more than one server at a time. But if I enter the command you sent me in Away from Options, and then checked mark "enable away", then my status will change to Away on all servers
