Whois not working?
Added by iPod Classic almost 4 years ago
Most times, I have to Whois a couple of times. I'm using ZNC if that's of any use:
Replies (3)
RE: Whois not working? - Added by Per Amundsen almost 4 years ago
You can open Menubar -> File -> Rawlog to see all the raw irc messages sent/to from AdiIRC. If they are not visible in the rawlog, it's a server and/or ZNC problem, if they are visible, try disable any scripts/plugins.
RE: Whois not working? - Added by iPod Classic almost 4 years ago
Aww shucks. I didn't have logging enabled I think? I can only see the last hour or so of logs, and it was when I was playing around with the settings and I think I turned on logging.
Oh well, I will check again when it happens and report back to this thread. Thanks!
RE: Whois not working? - Added by Peter Mauser almost 4 years ago
Sorry i did not found how to make a new topic.
How to enable the channel/server list on left side again?