


SSL connection

Added by Caixa Magica over 8 years ago

Does anyone know how to use a secure connection on PTnet (
I tried successfully through mIRC and xChat/HexChat, but I can't find a certificate file to use it in AdiIRC.
Also did a conversion of chat4all-ca.pem (which I use on HexChat) to pfx format, but still no luck.
Help, please! Thanks :)

Replies (4)

RE: SSL connection - Added by Per Amundsen over 8 years ago

See Tips Tricks on how to convert a pem to pfx.

RE: SSL connection - Added by Caixa Magica over 8 years ago

Hey, Amundsen,
Yeah, I did that and used the following command on openssl:
pkcs12 -export -out -nokeys chat4all-ca.pfx -in chat4all-ca.pem
No errors. Then added chat4all-ca.pfx to server/client certificate.
But when I connect I just get a regular connection...
Am I missing something? Could someone provide me a working pfx file to use with AdiIRC?

RE: SSL connection - Added by Per Amundsen over 8 years ago

You must mark the connection as ssl, depending on how you connect, or prefix the port with a "+", e.g /server

RE: SSL connection - Added by Caixa Magica over 8 years ago

WOW, Amundsen!
/server did the trick.
Thanks a lot, man! :)))
