Help needed.
Added by Q Steinberg over 5 years ago
I need a script that is compatible with AdiIRC, so it would change my text to 'bold' and 'underlined'.
I tried to find it over the internet, but most of the scripts I found are only made for mirc, or accompanied with so many other commands; that I don't need.
I just want the option of changing my text to bold and underlined, and it would be visible for me and for the people I am chatting with
Replies (10)
RE: Help needed. - Added by Paul Janson over 5 years ago
If the script is made for mirc, that's not necessarily a reason to blow it off, unless it does things like depend on a specific data structure within mirc.ini.
The color codes can also be replicated by using $chr() to put the character added by the control-code.
You don't need to actually memorize the numbers to use with $chr, because you can obtain that number by pressing Ctrl+U inside the parenthesis of: //echo -a $asc() where it returns the codepoint for the 1st character of the string
It includes feature to put RGB colors into the message, which guarantees anyone using AdiIRC sees the exact color shades, regardless how they configured their settings, however it would be garbage to an mIRC user. Same for using the extended color numbers 16-98 are only available in recent mirc versions.
//echo -a $chr(4) $+ ffff00,dd5400 testa $chr(15)
Notice how the display changes if you take away the non-space character from the tail end, improving readability. It doesn't need to be a specific character, as long as it's not a space.
I prefer using $chr(31) instead of using the Ctrl+U hotkey, because inside a script editor, Ctrl+U appears invisible in most fonts, and can be a nightmare to find if it causes trouble. For example, if you let the Ctrl+B bold character touch an identifier, then you get an error because no such identifier containing the Ctrl+B exists.
RE: Help needed. - Added by Q Steinberg over 5 years ago
Sorry, I'm not an expert, and I find it hard understanding what you have typed.
Was hoping you could help me out by sending me the (bold/underline) scripts I could add to my AdiIRC, with the option of turning it off and on.
Also the problem with mirc scripts is they contain other options and commands that I don't want. All I need is to be able to switch my text to bold or underlined
RE: Help needed. - Added by Per Amundsen over 5 years ago
Keep in mind this can be incredible annoying for the remote users.
RE: Help needed. - Added by Q Steinberg over 5 years ago
Not on the server I am using. Chatters there are allowed to use Bold/underlined/Italic .. And different colors as well.
Hope you can help me. This is the only script left that I need. Then, AdiIRC will be just perfect.
RE: Help needed. - Added by Per Amundsen over 5 years ago
Try this:
ON *:INPUT:*:{ if ($1 !iswm /*) { say $chr(2) $+ $chr(29) $+ $1- halt } }
RE: Help needed. - Added by Q Steinberg over 5 years ago
Working. But is there a command that can be added to turn it on and off ?
RE: Help needed. - Added by Per Amundsen over 5 years ago
Previous had a small error:
#bi on ON *:INPUT:*:{ if (/* !iswm $1) { say $chr(2) $+ $chr(29) $+ $1- halt } } #bi end
To enable, type /enable #bi, to disable type /disable #bi.
RE: Help needed. - Added by Q Steinberg over 5 years ago
It's working. Many thanks.
I hope on the next AdiIRC version - changing colors font would be available in it.
I was using that simple color script, but after loading the bold/italic script you just sent me, the color script isn't working properly. When I activate it ( by typing /coloron 4 ) and then send a message, it's sent twice. I guess both scripts are not compatible.
alias coloron { set n color $1 }
alias coloroff { unset %color }
on :input::{
if (%color) &x%x ($left($1,1) !isin /!) && (c !isincs $chan(#).mode) {
say $chr(3) $+ %color $+ $chr(2) $+ $chr(2) $+ $1
RE: Help needed. - Added by Per Amundsen over 5 years ago
I have no plans on adding colors or fonts.
Put the script inside:
and it will display properly.
But it looks like you just need to change "$chr(2) $+ $chr(2)" to "$chr(2) $+ $chr(29)" and you will have both colors and bold/italic. You can remove my script.
RE: Help needed. - Added by Q Steinberg over 5 years ago
Thanks a lot for your time and your effort. Much appreciated