Help needed
Added by Q Steinberg about 5 years ago
Hi, hope you are all healthy and safe.
I once reported a problem I had -- that whenever I receive a private message; I get this annoying alert in the "Status Window" that says: * Unset %query.flood
However, I stopped receiving that alert when I removed that script (Below)
But the script is quite important for me to use. So is there a way to make it compatible with AdiIRC; without receiving that annoying alert? Thank you
on *:LOAD: { .set %cm 2Chanmode that is used with : /4mode2 #channel +|-<mode(s)> .set %um 2Usermode (You can only change your own user modes.) usage : /4mode2 UrNickname +|-<mode(s)> .set %cmds 2Command4:2 .set %banmsg 2If ban message reads4:2 "(4 .set %kickmsg 2If kick message reads4:2 "(4 .set %QQQ on .set %Query.Blocker off .set %powerpro off .echo -as 4*** 7B02A7M02B7I02NO 4*** 02Warnings & Addons Loaded By 7B02A7M02B7I02NO } on *:UNLOAD: { .unset %cm .unset %um .unset %cmds .unset %banmsg .unset %kickmsg .unset %QQQ .unset %Query.Blocker .unset %powerpro .echo -as 4*** 7B02A7M02B7I02NO 4*** 02Warnings & Addons 10®7 * * 4Removed© } menu menubar,channel { Power Protection is $iif(%powerpro = on, On, Off): .On: { if (%powerpro == off) { /set %powerpro on | echo -a *** 4You Have Enabled Your Power Protection | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Power Protection Is Already Enabled | halt } } .Off: { if (%powerpro == on) { /set %powerpro off | echo -a *** 4You Have Disabled Your Power Protection | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Power Protection Is Already Disabled | halt } } } menu channel { $iif($chan isin %limchns,$style(5)) Floatlim .$iif($chan !isin %limchns,ON): set %limchns $addtok(%limchns,$chan,33) | setlimit | echo $color(info) $chan $timestamp * Floatlim for $chan enabled. .$iif($chan isin %limchns,OFF): set %limchns $remtok(%limchns,$chan,33) | .timerlimit [ $+ [ # ] ] off | echo $color(info) $chan $timestamp * Floatlim for $chan disabled. .SET [ [ %lim. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ]:set %lim. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $$?="Floatlim:" } ON *:OP:#: { if ($chan isin %limchns) && ($opnick == $me) { setlimit | echo $color(info) $chan $timestamp * Floatlim for $chan enabled due to op. } } ON *:DEOP:#: { if ($timer(limit [ $+ [ # ] ])) && ($opnick == $me) { .timerlimit [ $+ [ # ] ] off | echo $color(info) $chan $timestamp * Floatlim for $chan disabled due to deop. } } ON ^*:PART:#: { if ($timer(limit [ $+ [ # ] ])) && ($nick == $me) { .timerlimit [ $+ [ # ] ] off | echo $color(info) $chan $timestamp * Floatlim for $chan disabled due to part. } } alias setlimit { if (!%lim. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { set %lim. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 10 } | .timerlimit [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 0 60 mode $chan +l $ $+ calc($ $+ nick( $+ # $+ ,0) + % $+ lim. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) } on 1:ACTIVE:#: { if ($chan isin %limchns) && ($me isop $chan) && (!$timer(limit [ $+ [ # ] ])) { setlimit | echo $color(info) $chan $timestamp * Floatlim for $chan enabled due to active. } } on *:OPEN:?:*:{ if ($level($nick) != autoaccept) { .window -h $nick if (%QQQ == on) { timer 1 2 msg $nick 12Auto Response: 14[4 $Nick 14]1, I am using a secure query event. Next time, please ask me first. } .timer 1 .1 acceptornot $nick } inc -u1 %query.flood if (%query.flood > 6) { closemsg $nick | .ignore -u120 $wildsite | .linesep $active | echo -a *** possible flood attempt with more than 10 query's opened in less than 1 second, if you think that $+(",$nick,") isnt a flooder type /ignore -r $wildsite . | .linesep $active } } alias acceptornot { if (%Query.Blocker == $null) { /set %Query.Blocker off | Halt } if (%Query.Blocker == on) { if ($$?!"accept query from $1 ?") { window -w $1 | halt } else { closemsg $1 | .linesep $active | echo -a *** $1 4has been ignored, if You have changed your mind just type 6/ign -r $1 | .msg $1 4Your Query Has Been Ignored, Please Try Agin Later After 15 Minutes, 13Thanks :) | ignore -p $1 | /timer 1 900 ign -r $1 | halt } } else { window -w $1 } } menu menubar,status,channel { Query Blocker iS $iif(%Query.Blocker = on, On, Off): .Status is $iif(%Query.Blocker = on, On, Off): ..On: { if (%Query.Blocker == off) { /set %Query.Blocker on | echo -a *** 4You Have Enabled Your Query Blocker | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Query Blocker Is Already Enabled | halt } } ..Off: { if (%Query.Blocker == on) { /set %Query.Blocker off | echo -a *** 4You Have Disabled Your Query Blocker | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Query Blocker Is Already Disabled | halt } } .Fake Reply is $iif(%QQQ = on, On, Off): ..On: { if (%QQQ == off) { /set %QQQ on | echo -a *** 4You Have Enabled Your Fake Query Reply | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Fake Query Reply Is Already Enabled | halt } } ..Off: { if (%QQQ == on) { /set %QQQ off | echo -a *** 4You Have Disabled Your Fake Query Reply | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Fake Query Reply Is Already Disabled | halt } } .Block All Pvt: /ignore -p * | echo -a *** 4You Have Blocked All Private Messages .Normal Mode: /ignore -r * | echo -a *** 4You Have Set Your Query Blocker To The Normal Mode .Block List: /ignorelist l .Empty Block List: /ignore -r | echo -a *** 4You Have Cleared Your Block List } menu query { Query Blocker .Status is $iif(%Query.Blocker = on, On, Off): ..On: { if (%Query.Blocker == off) { /set %Query.Blocker on | echo -a *** 4You Have Enabled Your Query Blocker | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Query Blocker Is Already Enabled | halt } } ..Off: { if (%Query.Blocker == on) { /set %Query.Blocker off | echo -a *** 4You Have Disabled Your Query Blocker | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Query Blocker Is Already Disabled | halt } } .Query Accept ..Accept User: { if (%Query.Blocker == on) { /.auser autoaccept $1 | .linesep -a | ign -r $1 | echo -a *** $1 4Has Been Added To Your Auto Accept Query List. | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Query Blocker Is Disabled, Please Enable It First | halt } } ..Block User: /.ruser $1 | .linesep -a | ignore -p $1 2 | echo -a *** $1 4Has Been Added to Your Ignore List. ..Normal User: /.ruser $1 | .linesep -a | ign -r $1 | echo -a *** $1 4Is in Normal Mode. .Fake Reply is $iif(%QQQ = on, On, Off): ..On: { if (%QQQ == off) { /set %QQQ on | echo -a *** 4You Have Enabled Your Fake Query Reply | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Fake Query Reply Is Already Enabled | halt } } ..Off: { if (%QQQ == on) { /set %QQQ off | echo -a *** 4You Have Disabled Your Fake Query Reply | halt } else { echo -a *** 4Your Fake Query Reply Is Already Disabled | halt } } .Fake Ignore: /msg $1 4Your Query Has Been Ignored, Please Try Agin Later, 13Thanks :) .- .Block All Pvt:/ignore -p * | echo -a *** 4You Have Blocked All Private Messages .Normal Mode: /ignore -r * | echo -a *** 4You Have Set Your Query Blocker To The Normal Mode .Block List: /ignorelist l .Empty Block List: /ignore -r | echo -a *** 4You Have Cleared Your Block List - }
Replies (1)
RE: Help needed - Added by Paul Janson over 4 years ago
Try upgrading to the newest beta. That fixes the issue where that message shouldn't appear unless the INC command had used the -s switch along with the -u1. It was fixed by this in the changelog: #5045 /inc /dec should not show "Unset variable" message unless -s is specified