[Script] Highlights Window per Network v0.2
Added by Mr. BS about 10 years ago
This script captures all your highlights and displays in a custom window per network for easy lookup. It relies in AdiIRC user config. Then custom colors, timestamp/nick/message style, add words/phrases to be captured, ignore highlights from specific nicks/channels, everything is done in /options as usual.
Hey, Wait. AdiIRC already has a Highlights panel in View menu, why would user want an extra script for the same thing? Good question! I don't know, what matters is that someone wanted it. And personally, I liked more than the built in feature, specially for the colors support xD.
This is my first 100% multi-language script. If you are using a different AdiIRC lang than default English, it will uses the translated strings for the window title, text and menus.
Ps: in a channel to put focus on last highlight line use the shortcut ctrl + 1.
; http://dev.adiirc.com/boards/5/topics/268 ; Highlights Window per Network ; v0.2 by pereba on *:START: { get.conf } on *:UNLOAD: { if ($hget(hlw)) hfree hlw } on *:OPTIONS: { get.conf } ;ctrl + 1 shortcut on *:KEYUP:#:49: { if ($hget(hlw,last.highlight. $+ #) && $mouse.key & 2) { findtext $v1 } } on *:TEXT:$($m($1-)):#,?:{ if ($istok($hget(hlw,ignores),$nick,166)) { return } hadd -m hlw last.highlight. $+ $chan $strip($timestamp $nick.formated $1-) var %w $+(@,$adilang(Highlights),$chr(160),$network) if (!$window(%w)) { window -vnkq1 %w echo -c highlight %w $+($cs(Highlights),$sp,$chr(32),$sp,$cs($network)) es %w echo %w $+($cs2(Window),$sp,$chr(32),$sp,$cs2(Message)) es %w } var %h $iif($highlight($1-) == $!me, $eval($v1,2), $v1) echo $highlight($1-).color -m %w $target $+ $sp $sp $+ $timestamp $nick.formated $& $replacex($1-, %h, $+($chr(2),%h,$chr(2))) es %w } alias -l get.conf { hadd -m hlw nick.conf $readini(config.ini,n,Messages,prefixuser) | $& hadd -m hlw ignores $readini(config.ini,n,Highlight,HighlightExclude) } alias -l m return * $+ $iif($$highlight($iif($1- !isnum,$v1)) == $ $+ me, $me, $v1) $+ * alias -l es echo $1 $chr(160) alias -l sp return $str($chr(160),4) alias -l cs return $+($chr(2),$chr(31),$1-,$chr(2),$chr(31)) alias -l cs2 return $+($chr(31),$adilang($1),$chr(31)) alias nick.formated { var %nick $iif($randomcolors & 1, $+($chr(3),$nick(#,$nick).color,$nick,$chr(3)), $nick) return $replace($hget(hlw,nick.conf), $!pnick, $left($nick(#,$nick,a,r).pnick,1) $+ %nick, $& $!status, $left($nick(#,$nick,a,r).pnick,1), $!nick, %nick) } alias hl.menu { var %m $adilang(Clear) :dline $active 5- $+ $line($active,0) , -, $adilang(Search) :search, $& -, $adilang(Highlights) $adilang(Options) :options -t highlights, -, $adilang(Close) :window -c $active if ($istok(begin end,$1,32)) return - else return $gettok($($+(%,m),2),$1,44) } menu @* { if ($+(@,$adilang(Highlights),$chr(160),$network) == $active) $submenu($hl.menu($1)) }
theme2.png (11.1 KB) theme2.png | |||
treebar.png (2.67 KB) treebar.png | |||
theme0.png (9.66 KB) theme0.png | |||
Highlights Window per Network v0.2.ini (2.04 KB) Highlights Window per Network v0.2.ini | |||
menu.png (1.73 KB) menu.png |
Replies (3)
RE: [Script] Highlights Window per Network v0.2 - Added by C. Syem over 7 years ago
I love this. For years i was using a simple @Highlights window in my mIRC script but this is a next level :)))
But... is something wrong with alias "nick.formated" because the output is $user and not the nick who highlighted you.
RE: [Script] Highlights Window per Network v0.2 - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Change your Options -> Messages -> Prefix User to $nick or $pnick, $user is an old syntax from many years ago, probably came from a old theme.
RE: [Script] Highlights Window per Network v0.2 - Added by C. Syem over 7 years ago
Yea, exactly. Came from mIRC theme. Thanks.