[Deprecated] [Script] Simple script to locally color channel nicks on outgoing messages
Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
See Options -> Nick Colors -> Color nicks in messages.
Uses color "4", change it to 0-99 as needed.
on *:INPUT:#:{ if (/* iswm $1) { return } var %text $1-, %s 0 while (%s < $numtok(%text, 32)) { inc %s var %nick $gettok(%text, %s, 32) if ($nick(#, %nick)) { %text = $reptok(%text, %nick, $+($chr(3),4,%nick,$chr(3)), 32) } } echo -t $active $replace($prefixuser, $ $+ pnick, $me) %text .msg $active $1- halt }
Replies (1)
RE: [Script] Simple script to locally color channel nicks on outgoing messages - Added by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago
To use the nick color instead:
on *:INPUT:#:{ if (/* iswm $1) { return } var %text $1-, %s 0 while (%s < $numtok(%text, 32)) { inc %s var %nick $gettok(%text, %s, 32) if ($nick(#, %nick).rgbcolor) { %text = $reptok(%text, %nick, $+($chr(4),$nick(#, %nick).rgbcolor,%nick,$chr(3)), 32) } else if ($nick(#, %nick).color) { %text = $reptok(%text, %nick, $+($chr(3),$nick(#, %nick).color,%nick,$chr(3)), 32) } } echo -t $active $replace($prefixuser, $ $+ pnick, $me) %text .msg $active $1- halt }