Feature #3538
closedAdd new '.default' + '.dbu' + '.local' properties into $dialog() identifier
I wanna suggest to add 3 new '.default' '.gui' and '.local' properties that these new properties will gonna improve the $dialog() identifier function to catch some fields that now are impossible to catch them.
.local = Would return $true or $false if the dialog that is open is local (-l) or not.
.default = Would return the default id from an dialog, if it is any, if not return $null.
.gui = Would return the GUI specified option that was set into the dialog (dbu or pixels).
dialog -l Example {
title "Example"
size -1 -1 100 50
option dbu
button "Example 1", 1, 4 10 40 12
button "Example 2", 2, 50 10 40 12, cancel
button "Example A", 3, 4 30 40 12, default
button "Example B", 4, 50 30 40 12, ok
//echo -a IS: $dialog(example).default - $dialog(example).gui - $dialog(example).local
Returns: 3 - dbu - $true
- Thanks!
Updated by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
What is the difference between "ok" and "default" ? in AdiIRC they are the same.
Also I will add $dialog().dbu - $true/$false since there are only 2 modes.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
Added for next beta $dialog.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Add new '.default' + '.gui' + '.local' properties into $dialog() identifier to Add new '.default' + '.dbu' + '.local' properties into $dialog() identifier
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed