Bug #3619
/reload -rs FILE it should strip the case sensitive
Added by westor (GR) about 7 years ago.
Updated about 7 years ago.
There is an bug, if i am trying to /reload (i am not sure if it is effected by /load or /unload too.) an script file by using case sensitive characters it doesn't strips them out and loading the same file again as it shouldn't.
/reload -rs test.mrc = it will load the 'test.mrc' file correctly.
/reload -rs TeSt.mrc = it will load the 'TeSt.mrc' file instead of 'test.mrc' file, so it's error.
- Thanks!
Seems to work fine with any casing, maybe you have the wrong path?
Ah sorry incorrect example:
/reload -rs test.mrc = it will load the 'test.mrc' file correctly.
/reload -rs1 TeSt.mrc = it will load the 'TeSt.mrc' file instead of 'test.mrc' file, so it's error.
This occurred if N is specified to be placed in an exactly script editor order.
This also works as expected, test and teSt is the same file.
Okay I see, this might be related to your windows locale, which I guess is Greek, I'll see if I can replicate in a virtual machine with Greek locale.
I was unable to reproduce this even with Greek locale.
I've created an clean adiirc 64 bits, i took a video about how-to reproduce it if that doesn't also helps, then tell me to find an other way.
Video: http://a.pomf.cat/apgysr.mp4
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Okay I figured it out, was not related to file names, the case-insensitive list that holds the filenames had a bug, where it searches for the item case-insensitive, but deleted it case-sensitive in some cases.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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