Bug #3948
$sock() causing AdiIRC to crash
Added by westor (GR) almost 7 years ago.
Updated almost 7 years ago.
When i using the following command AdiIRC is crashing.
Example Code:
//if (!$sock(portscan_176.193.133.111_995)) { echo ok }
- Thanks!
This does not crash for me, there is more to it.
I will provide you the hole code in order to test it and see, i tried to reproduce step by step but it didn't trigger, when i try that code it crashes.
Load in hash some ports database: //hmake port 10000 | hload port port.list
Port.list: https://pastebin.com/ihYw00Ne
Example Run: /portscan TEST N/A
#PortScanner on
alias portscan {
var %h = Port
var %t = $hget(%h,0).data
if (!$1) || ($0 !== 3) || (!$hget(%h)) || (!%t) || (%t !== $hget(%h,0).item) || ($ulist($3,exemp,1)) || ($status !== connected) { return }
var %i = 1
while (%i <= %t) {
var %d = $hget(%h,%i).data
var %sock = portscan_ $+ $3 $+ _ $+ %d
if (%d) && (!$sock(%sock)) { sockopen %sock $3 %d | sockmark %sock $1- }
inc %i
ON *:SOCKOPEN:portscan_*: {
if ($sockerr > 0) || ($status !== connected) { return }
tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
window -e @PORTS
echo -t @PORTS *** $1 ( $+ $2 $+ ) $chr(91) $+ $3 $+ $chr(93) founded as $sock($sockname).port open port.
echo -s gline *@ $+ $3 1d [G-Lined]: Your IP has been founded that $sock($sockname).port port is opened.
sockclose * $+ $3 $+ *
#PortScanner end
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version changed from 3.1 to 3.2
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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