Support #3961
closedEncoding I just can't figure this out.
I use Unicode UTF-8 and the as the font I have been using Consolas (on all windows, editbox etc)
But for example this happens, and I can't figure out why:
On the editbox it appears correctly but on the actual message window it doesn't.
I tried changing the encoding to every possible choise, I even tried to download a fresh (portable) version of AdiIRC to give it a try and the outcome was always the same as the picture above.
How can I fix this?
Updated by Per Amundsen almost 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 3.1 to 3.2
It looks like the font you use doesn't have that characters, try enable alternative font rendering, it has better font fallback.
Updated by Leonel Faria almost 7 years ago
Per Amundsen wrote:
It looks like the font you use doesn't have that characters, try enable alternative font rendering, it has better font fallback.
I already had that option enabled.
About the font dont have those characters...if it was that how the editbox shows the characters? (it is the same font).
Updated by Per Amundsen almost 7 years ago
The Editbox is a richtextbox provided by windows, the text area is a custom control I made myself from scratch, they have completely different font and text rendering.
Can you post the character here?
Updated by Leonel Faria almost 7 years ago
Per Amundsen wrote:
The Editbox is a richtextbox provided by windows, the text area is a custom control I made myself from scratch, they have completely different font and text rendering.
Can you post the character here?
This is just an example...
Updated by Per Amundsen almost 7 years ago
Seems to work fine with or without alternative text rendering for me on both windows 10 and 7, not sure why it doesn't work for you.
Encoding should always be UTF8 btw, but that only effects incoming messages.
Updated by Leonel Faria almost 7 years ago
Per Amundsen wrote:
Seems to work fine with or without alternative text rendering for me on both windows 10 and 7, not sure why it doesn't work for you.
Encoding should always be UTF8 btw, but that only effects incoming messages.
I also find it weird, because even with a fresh copy of AdiIRC, UTF-8, Alternative rendering and Font Consolas...fails
Can it be a Windows thing...its strange...because everyelse where I can see the characters (even on the editbox although as you said it's a richtextbox from MS).
I'm out of ideas...
Updated by Per Amundsen almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed