Support #5276
closedHow to enable tagmsg in rawlog?
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Everything is in the question. Do you have an idea ?
Added by armin armin about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.
Everything is in the question. Do you have an idea ?
It was not logged in rawlog for some reason, fixed in next beta.
After a closer look it seems I was wrong, TAGMSG does show up in Rawlog, not sure what you mean then.
The +typing of tagmsg does not appear in Rawlog
I am under Unrealircd 5.0.8
As long as "message-tags" is enabled on the server and the remote client is sending the correct "typing=active" messages and the server correctly forwards these TAGMSG messages to AdiIRC, it should work.
Note AdiIRC does not support or sends such typing messages.
Ah yes it works well I receive well
The problem comes from my ZNC I will fix it
That makes sense, ZNC is known to interfere with all kinds of features, glad you figured it out.