



$mouse » History » Revision 2

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Per Amundsen, 09/04/2015 09:29 AM

Added in 1.9.0


Returns various properties about the mouse and keys pressed during events.


.lb - Returns $true if the mouse event occurred in a side-listbox otherwise $false.
.x - Mouse X position relative to active window.
.y - Mouse Y position relative to active window.
.mx - Mouse X position relative to AdiIRC main window.
.my - Mouse Y position relative to AdiIRC main window.
.dx - Mouse X position relative to the desktop area.
.dy - Mouse Y position relative to the desktop area.
.key - Bitwise flag, see example.


alias Example {
  ; Test $mouse.key for various values, more than one value can be true.
  if ($mouse.key & 1) echo left button is pressed.
  if ($mouse.key & 2) echo control key is pressed.
  if ($mouse.key & 4) echo shift key is pressed.
  if ($mouse.key & 8) echo alt key is pressed.
  if ($mouse.key & 16) echo right mouse button is pressed.

; Print mouse X and Y coordinates.
//echo -ag $mouse.x / $mouse.y

Updated by Per Amundsen over 9 years ago · 2 revisions

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