



Added in 2.9


Returns the name of the zip operation during a on ZIP or on UNZIP event.

$zip(name, [N])

Returns information about a zip/unzip item during a on ZIP or on UNZIP event.

See also /zip, $ziperr, on ZIP, on UNZIP.


Parameter Description
name Name of the zip/unzip operation. (can be a wildcard)
[N] The Nth matches name.


Property Description
.name Returns the name of zip/unzip operation.
.src Returns the source file or folder.
.dest Returns the destination file or folder.
.ratio Returns 0, 1 or 2 where 0 = no compression, 1 = fastest compression, 2 = optimal compression.
.unzip Returns $true if this is a unzip operation, otherwise $false.


; Zip the entire adiirc folder into ''
//zip name $qt($adiircdir)

; Print the zip result when then zip operation is finished.
on *:ZIP:name:echo -ag zipped $zip($zip).src into $zip($zip).dest status: $iif($ziperr,fail,ok)


Create or extract zip files.

Returns "1" if the operation was successful, otherwise "0".


Parameter Description The zip file to list/test/create or extract.
options The zip options.
file|dir File or directory to zip or directory to extract to.
password TODO
N Used with the "l", if N = 0, number of zipped files in the zip file, otherwise the Nth zipped file.


Option Description
c Create a new zip file.
e Extract a zip file.
t Test a zip file.
l List number of files in a zip file or the Nth file.
o Overwrite existing zip file or extract folder.


Property Description
.csize Returns the compressed size of the file. (AdiIRC Only)
.size Returns the size of the file.
.mtime Returns the last modification time of the file.


; Creates a new zip file called '' and adds the file 'file,txt'.
//echo -ag $zip(, c, file.txt)

; Creates a new zip file called '' and adds the folder 'folder'.
//echo -ag $zip(, c, folder)

; Extracts the zip file '' to the folder 'extracted'.
//echo -ag $zip(, e, extracted)

; Prints number of zipped files in the zip file ''.
//echo -ag $zip(, l, 0)

; Prints the file name of the first zipped file in the zip file ''.
//echo -ag $zip(, l, 1)

Updated by Per Amundsen about 2 years ago · 12 revisions

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