



Config Files » History » Revision 23

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Per Amundsen, 08/28/2016 04:27 AM

Config files

Config files are stored in the AdiIRC folder if you have write access, if not, they are stored in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AdiIRC (C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\AdiIRC).

Typing //echo -ag $adiircdir will print the path to the config folder.
Typing /paths -o will open the config folder.

commands.ini - Custom aliases.
config.ini - Most AdiIRC options.
menus.ini - Custom menu items.
networks.ini - New Server list options.
servers.ini - Old Server list options.
vars.ini - Global scripting variables which are saved across sessions.
nicklistbuttons.ini - Custom Nicklist buttons.
users.ini - Custom user access levels.
addrbk.ini - Address book users.

nowplaying.txt - Random now playing items.
quits.txt - Random quit messages.
slaps.txt - Random slaps.

Deprecated files

These are automatically added to config.ini and removed when upgrading from an older to newer version of AdiIRC.

positions.ini - Was used to store windows positions.
away.ini - Was used to store away options.
ignore.ini - Was used to store ignore options.

Config folders

Various folders are created for storing data, most of these can be changed in the options dialog.

\Cache\Favicons - Stores favicons if Options -> Icons -> Get favicons from server website is enabled.
\Cache\History - Stores editbox history if Options -> Messages -> Save and restore history is enabled.
\Cache\Monitor - Stores monitor panel data if any Options -> Monitor -> Save and restore option is enabled.
\Dict - Store any installed spellcheck dictionaries.
\Download - Stores incoming DCC downloads set in Options -> DCC -> Default download dir.
\Logs - Stores all log files set in Options -> Logging -> Log Folder.
\Scripts - Stores all scripts.
\Themes - Stores all installed themes.
\Plugins - Stores all installed plugins.

Updated by Per Amundsen over 8 years ago · 23 revisions

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