Drawline » History » Revision 1
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Per Amundsen, 02/17/2014 08:11 AM
Added in 1.9.0
/drawline [-ihnr] <@window> <color> <size> <x y> <x y> [<x y>...]
Draws a line from the first <x y> co-ordinate to the second, if more co-ordinates are specified, the line is continued.
-i - TODO
-h - TODO
-n - Prevents the display from being updated immediately.
-r - Indicates that the color is in RGB format. You can use $rgb(N,N,N) to create an RGB value.
<@window> - The picture window to draw in.
<color> - Color off the line to draw.
<size> - Size of the line to draw.
<x y> - x,y co-ordinates to draw at.
[<x y>...] - TODO
Updated by Per Amundsen about 11 years ago · 5 revisions