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Per Amundsen, 02/04/2019 09:07 PM

Added in 1.8.10

/echo [color] [-abcdefghi<N>lmnqrstNuvw<N>I<N>SR<N>B] [color name] [window] <text>

Prints text in the specified window using the specified color (0 to 99).


Switch Description
-a Prints to the current active window.
-b Apply beep options.
-c Indicates [color name] is defined after the switches. (not [color])
-e Encloses the line in line separators.
-f Apply flash options.
-g Prevents the echo from being logged.
-i<N> Indents the wrapped line by N characters.
-l Apply highlight options.
-m This echo should be treated as a normal message.
-n Prevents the echo from highlighting the window Treebar/Switchbar icon.
-q Don't print if called from a alias using the . prefix.
-r Apply strip colors/bold/italic/underline options.
-s Prints to the status/server window associated with current window.
-t<N> Apply timestamp prefix options. N is a optional UTC value to use for the timestamp.
-u Indicates the first word is not a nick column prefix.
-v Indicates the first word/token is a timestamp.
-w<N> if N = 0, replaces emoticon tags in all token except the first one, N = 1, replaces only the first token, N = 2, replaces all tokens.
-I<N> Inserts the line at position N in the buffer. (AdiIRC only)
-S Used with -I<N> to force the buffer to scroll he number of wrapped lines of the inserted line. (AdiIRC only)
-R<N> Replaces the line at position N in the buffer. (AdiIRC only)
-B Indicates the [color] color is in $rgb format. (AdiIRC only, see also $ocolor)


Parameter Description
[color] A numeric color value to use as line color (0 to 99).
[color name] Used with the -c switch. One of the following: Action, ctcp, highlight, info, info2, invite, join, part, quit, kick, mode, topic, nick, normal, notice, notify, other, own, wallops, whois.
[window] The target window. (any window with a text area)
<text> The text to print.


; Prints 'Hello World!' to current active window.
/echo -a Hello World!

; Prints 'Hello World!' to the target window during a event.
/echo $target Hello World!

Updated by Per Amundsen over 5 years ago · 35 revisions

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