Matchtarget » History » Revision 15
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Per Amundsen, 11/14/2015 02:35 AM
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- Matchtarget
A <matchtarget> is a text pattern that AdiIRC will use to compare with a target window during a scripting event.
Different events have different valid window locations.
= - Defines dcc chat window location.@ - Defines custom window location.
? - Defines query location.
# - Defines channel location.
* - Defines any window location.
! - TODO.
%var - A variable containing a window or a list of window is also acceptable.
Multiple windows can be targeted by using commas.
; Subscribe to the TEXT event and if #channel or #channel2 matches the target channel, print a text. on *:TEXT:*:#channel,#channel2:echo -ag #channel matched. ; Subscribe to the TEXT event and if any channels matches the target, print a text. on *:TEXT:*:#:echo -ag # matched. ; Subscribe to the TEXT event and if any channel or query matches the target, print a text. on *:TEXT:*:#,?:echo -ag $target matched. ; Set a target variable. set %target #channel ; Subscribe to the TEXT event and if #channel matches the target channel, print a text. on *:TEXT:*:%target:echo -ag #channel matched.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 9 years ago · 24 revisions