Menubar Control » History » Revision 1
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Per Amundsen, 03/26/2021 06:22 PM
Menubar Control¶
The menubar gives access to most AdiIRC features.
Hiding the menubar¶
The menubar can be hidden by clicking Menubar -> View -> Menubar or by typing /menubar off.
When the menubar is hidden, the menubar menu can still be accessed by right-clicking the Titlebar-
It can also be shown at any time/anywhere by typing /showmenu -m, which can also be associated with a shortcut.
Modifying the menubar¶
The /menubar command can be used to add/edit/remove any menu item. To have any changes persisent, put the commands in a on START script.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago · 17 revisions