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Per Amundsen, 04/27/2015 05:32 PM


Scripting Events

Scripting Operators

Scripting Identifiers

Scripting Commands

Scripting Menus

DLL Support

Regular Expressions

Example scripts

Simple kickcounter script:

alias kick { 
    if (!%kickcount) %kickcount = 0

    inc %kickcount

    if (!$3) { 
        kick # $$2 Kick number %kickcount

Kickban example

alias kb {
  if (!$1) {
    echo /kb - Nick missing

  var %msg = $iif(#, $2-, $3-)
  var %chan = $iif(#, #, $2)

  ; Set this for default ban reason, or remove for no default reason
  ; Can be shortened to %msg = $iif(%msg, %msg, GTFO)
  if (!%msg) %msg = GTFO

  if ($me isop %chan) {
    MODE %chan +b $wildsite
    KICK %chan $1 %msg
  else echo You are not oper on %chan

Simple calculator script:

alias calc {
  if (!$1) {
    echo /calc - Parameters missing

  ; typing /calc -p <expression> sends output to channel
  if ($1 == -p) {
    msg # Calculating : $2-
    msg # Result is : $calc($2-)
  else {
    echo Calculating : $1-
    echo Result is : $calc($1-)

Colored version

alias calc {
  if (!$1) {
    echo /calc - Parameters missing

  # typing /calc -p <expression> sends output to channel
  if ($1 == -p) {
    msg # $chr(3)4Calculating : $2-
    msg # $chr(3)4Result is : $calc($2-)
  else {
    echo $chr(3)4Calculating : 4$1-
    echo $chr(3)4Result is : $calc($1-)

CTCP flood detection example

CTCP *:*:*:{
  if (!%count) set -u10 %count 1
  else inc -u10 %count 1

  if (%count > 4) ignore -tu30 $wildsite

Mass mode example

alias mass {
  if (!$2) {
    echo /mass - Parameters missing [+/-<mode> <nick> <nick> <nick>]

  %len = 2

  ; equal to while (%len <= $count(%1-, $chr(32)))
  while (%len <= $0) {
    if ($(%len) ison #) mode # $1 $($ $+ %len)
    inc %len

Shows info about servers, channels and users

on *:JOIN:#: {
  var %s = $scon(0), %c = 0, %u = 0, %t = 0, %c2 = 0;

  while (%t < %s) {
    inc %t
    scon $scon(%t);
    inc %c $chan(0)

    %c2 = 0
    while (%c2 < $chan(0)) {
      inc %c2
      inc %u $nick($chan(%c2), 0)

  /echo You are on ( $+ %s $+ ) servers, ( $+ %c $+ ) channels with ( $+ %u $+ ) users

It is possible to use scripts as functions.
These functions are fully nested like the client functions.

Lets say you make a /mycalc like this.

alias mycalc {
  return $calc($$1 + $$2);

Then you can call this function with eiter /mycalc <number> <number> the normal way or $mycalc(<number, <number>)
Typing /testcalc will show the result.

alias testcalc {
  echo -a $1 + $2 is $mycalc($1, $2);
  echo -a 5 + 4 is $mycalc(5, 4);

Simple convert temperature C to F or F to C
/temp C 20 will print 68 F

alias temp {
  if ($1 == C) echo $calc(($2 * 9/5) + 32) F
  else if ($1 == F) echo $round($calc(($2 - 32) * 5/9), 1) C
  else echo Temp missing

Announce song changes in a channel or to a user

On *:SONG:{ 
  nmsg <network> <channel/Nick> $1-

Announce to several channels with:

On *:SONG:{ 
  nmsg <network> <channel1/Nick>,<channel2/Nick> $1-
  nmsg <network2> <channel3/Nick> $1- 

Automatically find the summary of a imdb url

On *:TEXT:*:#k: {
  var %reg = $regex($1-, http://www\.imdb\.com(/title/[a-z0-9]+/))
  if (!%reg) { return }
  sockclose imdb
  unset %data
  %imdb = $regml(1) $+ plotsummary
  %imdbchan = #
  sockopen imdb 80

on *:sockopen:imdb: {
  sockwrite -n imdb GET %imdb HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n imdb Host:
  sockwrite -n imdb User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.24 Safari/536.5
  sockwrite -n imdb Referer:
  sockwrite -n imdb Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,text/css,*/*;q=0.1
  sockwrite -n imdb Accept-Language: en-us, en;q=0.50
  sockwrite -n imdb Connection: Close $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

on *:sockread:imdb:{
  sockread %text
  %data = %data $+ %text 

on *:sockclose:imdb: {
  if ($regex(%data, <p class="plotSummary">([\s\S]*?)</p>)) {
    msg %imdbchan $regml(1)

  unset %data

More information

You can find many mIRC scripts in the Scripting forum or at places such as and

Not everyone will work, if you find one that dosen't, please open a new issue with a link to the script.

For more on mIRC scripting and how it works, check out and

Updated by Per Amundsen about 9 years ago · 203 revisions

Also available in: PDF HTML TXT