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Paul Janson, 11/12/2020 01:11 AM
Added in 3.3
/sendkeys [-pw] <keys|text>
Send keys or plain text to the active window. (In a script, you can use $appactive to ensure the keys are sent to this AdiIRC instead of another App.)
Check here to see the syntax for sending keys.
-p - Send plain text instead of keys.
-w - Wait for the keys to be processed. (does not work with -p)
<keys|text> - Key combination or plain text to send.
; Send CTRL + t keys to the active window. /sendkeys ^t ; Send emoji to the active window. //sendkeys -p $chr(55357) $+ $chr(56832) ; Toggle caps lock. /sendkeys {CAPSLOCK} ; open the Ctrl+K colors dialog (note that it's important to use lowercase k) /sendkeys ^k ; open the Ctrl+Shift+K colors dialog /sendkeys ^K or /sendkeys ^+k ; open the options dialog. Note that upper-case 'O' doesn't work because that makes sendkeys use ctrl+shift+O instead of Ctrl+O /sendkeys %o ; note that in a script this will try to send the contents of the %o variable, so in a script use $+(%,o) or % $+ o
Updated by Paul Janson over 4 years ago · 9 revisions