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Per Amundsen, 08/18/2023 07:09 PM

Switchbar Options

See also Switchbar, /switchbar.

Show network name

Shows or hides the network name for this network in the status tab, if hidden, the text will be just "Status"

Show nick name

Shows or hides the nick name for this network in the status tab.

Show Icons

Shows or hides the window icons.

Show tooltips

If enabled, shows tooltips when hovering a window in the Switchbar.

Custom tooltips can be set in Options -> Windows.

Scroll mouse-wheel to change windows

If enabled, hovering the Switchbar and using the mouse-wheel will change the active window, otherwise SHIFT must be pressed.


Selects how many lines should be visibile in the Switchbar.

If "Auto" is selected and "Lock bars" is on, Switchbar will fit as many tabs as possible then make new lines as needed.

If "Auto" is selected and "Lock bars" is off, Switchbar will fit as many tabs as possible then show a overflow button at the end of the Switchbar with the rest of the tabs.
This is a .NET limitation when grip style is visible.

If "1" is selected, Switchbar fill fit as many tabs as possible with a smaller minimum size.


Sets the preffered maximum size of a tab, if size is set to 0, Switchbar will make the tabs as large as possible.

Minimum Size

Sets the proffered minimum size of a tab, if size is set to 0, Switchbar will make tabs resize to fit as good as possible.

Updated by Per Amundsen 11 months ago · 12 revisions

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