Url » History » Revision 4
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Per Amundsen, 12/13/2019 06:25 PM
Added in 2.3
/url [on|off|show|hide|-ranilsw] [N|address]
Enable/disable/show/hide the URL catcher monitor or open a URL.
-a - TODO
-n - Open the Nth URL or address in a new window instead of new tab.
-r - Remove the Nth URL from the list.
-i - TODO
-l - TODO
-s - TODO
-w - Shows the link warning box if enabled. (AdiIRC only)
[on|off] - Enables or disables the URL catcher monitor.
[show|hide] - Shows or hides the URL catcher monitor.
[N|address] - The Nth URL or a address to open.
; Open 'www.adiirc.com'. /url www.adiirc.com ; Open 'www.adiirc.com' in a new window. /url -n www.adiirc.com
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago · 5 revisions