Support #5350
Added by armin armin almost 4 years ago.
Updated almost 4 years ago.
With AdiIRC is it possible to connect to our IRC server with WEBIRC?
In order to simulate a debug / trace for testing.
If yes, how ?
Don't know anything about WEBIRC, but it seems to just be a raw line of text sent as the first message to the server.
You'll have to use on PARSELINE to capture the first "CAP LS 302" message adiirc sends to be able to inject the WEBIRC message before it.
Depending on what you need, you can also open socket connections and read/write data to/from a irc server using /sockopen.
on *:PARSELINE:*:CAP LS 302: {
echo -a $1- $parseline
WEBIRC <password> x.x.x.x secure
Ah yes it works very well, thank you
Even on mIRC it does not exist
WEBIRC seems intended for proxy/webchats with multiple users from different ip addresses, why would it exist in a desktop client?
- Status changed from New to Closed
I needed to test by AdiIRC to flood the WEBIRC because on a web client sometimes it refuses the connection. I have had this problem for months, no matter how much I search but I can't find it, and so there it would be useful to flood the WEBIRC (full of connections / reconnections) to see if it crashes at some point but it is too difficult, I still can not reproduce the bug, the poroblem therefore may not come from the webirc but still elsewhere
I understand, that makes sense, but I was referring to "Even on mIRC it does not exist", I probably misunderstood what you meant.
oh yes it was to say that adiirc is better than mIRC.
But this is just a shame that there is lag because of the mass cnicks :(
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