Bug #5735
/loadbuf is performing too slow (big difference)
Added by westor (GR) almost 2 years ago.
Updated almost 2 years ago.
I was trying to load a big file in a custom @window and i reproduced a performance issue in /loadbuf that the difference is dramatically huge compared with mIRC, i will provide a test code to reproduce it.
Example :
Example file used: https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/UnicodeData.txt
NOTE : AdiIRC takes (on me) 55-60 seconds to finish that progress while in the other client is almost only 4-5 seconds.
alias loadbuf_test {
window -h @example
var %f = unicodedata.txt
var %a = 100
var %t = $ticksqpc
while (%a) {
loadbuf @example $qt(%f)
dec %a
echo -ag Finished: $calc($ticksqpc - %t) ms for $file(%f) bytes with $lines(%f) lines.
window -c @example
- Thanks!
AdiIRC textarea is a lot slower than mirc, it also has a lot more features. Using a fixed-width font such as Consola could help.
I added some hacks to speed it up a little for next beta, about 2x, but it's never gonna be as fast as mirc.
Maybe an idea would be that if -h is being used in /window (that means the window will be hidden) to prevent using these extra features that adiirc having and TextArea would be more faster? or something in /loadbuf to do that, something that will bypass these extra features to be fast, i don't know i just throwing an idea that may be useful or bullshit. :P
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I did all that I reasonably could do, to get as much performance out of it as I could, about 2x performance improvements. it's never going to be faster than that. If you need more speed, you'll have to think of ways to reduce the amount of text added to the textarea.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Also, if there is something that I can add that could help with that, let me know.
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