



Added in 1.8.10


Returns the name of the currently connected server, otherwise $null.

Added in 2.0


Returns the address of the Nth server in the Server List.

Only works when using the new Server List.

-1 Returns the active server, if the active server is in the new Server List.

See also /server.


Parameter Description
N|address The server address to lookup, or if N = 0, number of servers, otherwise the Nth server.
[group] if specified, only lookup servers from this network group.


Property Description
.desc Returns the server description.
.port Returns the server port(s).
.group Returns the server network group.
.pass Returns the server password.
.ssl Returns $true if SSL is enabled, otherwise $false. (AdiIRC only)
.tls Returns $true if STARTTLS is enabled, otherwise $false. (AdiIRC only)
.mnick Returns the main/default nick for this server. (AdiIRC only)
.method Returns the login method.
.methodpass Returns the login method password.
.keytype Returns "global" or "local" depending on whether the server is using a custom SSL/TLS client certificate
.key Returns the private SSL/TLS client client certificate filename.
.itype Always returns "local".
.nick Returns the main/default nick for this server.
.anick Returns the first preferred alternative nick for this server.
.email Returns Ident
.user Returns the username for this server.
.encoding Returns the encoding used for this server.


//echo -ag There is $server(0) servers in your server list.

//echo -ag The first server in your server list is $server(1) $server(1).port

//echo -ag Libera.Chat $iif($server(,is,is not) in your server list.

Updated by Per Amundsen over 1 year ago · 15 revisions

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