- Table of contents
- Emoticons Options
- Use Emoticons
- Use animated gifs
- Case insensitive
- Only replace whole words
- Stretch height to match line height
- Use regex to match a pattern
- Regex
- Adding emoticons through scripting
- Disable emoticons for channel/private windows
- Always use emoticons for channel/private windows
- Ignoring images from specific users
Emoticons Options¶
For colored emoji support, check this plugin.
Tip. Options -> Messages -> Pixel spacing makes lines bigger, emoticons will also resize to be bigger.
Use Emoticons¶
Enable or disable emoticons.
Enabling emoticons only works on new messages after emoticons is enabled.
All icons will be resized/scaled to fit inside the text line height, aspect ratio will be preserved.
Use animated gifs¶
Enable or disable animated gifs support.
When the support is disabled, all gifs will stop animating and show the first frame as a static image.
Case insensitive¶
If enabled, text and TEXT will both be replaced with the same icon, otherwise they could have different icons.
Only replace whole words¶
If enabled, emoticons inside links and words will not be replaced.
Stretch height to match line height¶
If enabled, emoticons will be stretched to match the real line height when Pixel Spacing is used.
Use regex to match a pattern¶
If enabled, allows using a custom Regular Expression to match the emoticons trigger.
The Regular Expression to use when Use regex to match a pattern is enabled.
<emote> in the regex will be replaced with the pattern (trigger|trigger|trigger).
Adding emoticons through scripting¶
Use /setoption Emoticons Emoticon_<matchtext> <filename>.
\ and = characters must be escaped with a \ character.
Disable emoticons for channel/private windows¶
Channels or users windows excluded from showing emoticons.
Per server settings can be added using network:#channel syntax.
Always use emoticons for channel/private windows¶
Always show emoticons for some channels/users windows.
Per server settings can be added using network:#channel syntax.
These windows ignores/overrides the "Use Emoticons" option.
Ignoring images from specific users¶
There is a Emoticons flag when adding a ignore in Options -> Ignore.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 5 years ago · 15 revisions