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Per Amundsen, 02/26/2017 04:21 PM

Binary Varibles


Added in 1.9.0

/bread [-ta] <filename> <S> <N> <&binvar>

Reads <N> bytes starting at byte position <S> in the file and stores the result in &binvar.


Switch Description
-t reads data until the next $crlf or $feof.
-a Disables UTF-8 encoding of characters in the range 0-255, as long as the line contains no characters > 255.


Parameter Description
<filename> The binary file to read.
<S> The byte position in the file to start reading from.
<N> Number of bytes to read.
<&binvar> The &binvar to read the data into.


;noop $example(FileA, FileB)
alias example {
   ;Read the whole file into a binary variable
   bread $qt($1) 0 $file($1).size &tempFile

   ;Write the bytes form the binary variable to a file
   bwrite $qt($2) 0 -1 &tempFile


Added in 1.9.0

/bwrite [-tac] <filename> <S> [N] <text|%var|&binvar>

Writes [N] bytes from <text|%var|&binvar> to the file starting at byte position <S> or 0, any existing information at this position is overwritten.


Switch Description
-t Treat <text|%var|&binvar> as plain text.
-a Disables UTF-8 encoding of characters in the range 0-255, as long as the text contains no characters > 255.
-c Chops the file at the end of the copied bytes.


Parameter Description
<filename> File to modify.
<S> Byte position in the file to start writing to. (zero based)
[N] Byte count from <text|%var|&binvar> to write.
<text|%var|&binvar> Text/%variable/&binvar to write to file.


alias example {
  ;Write some text to a file at beginning of the file
  /bwrite file.txt 0 hello there!

  ;Read the binary data into binary variable &tempfile
  /bread $qt(file.txt) 0 $file(file.txt).size &tempfile

  ;Print the binary variable data as text, outputs 'Hello there!'
  echo -ag $bvar(&tempfile, 1-).text

  ;Replace "there!" with "world!" 
  /bwrite file.txt 6 world!

  ;Read the binary data into binary variable &tempfile
  /bread $qt(file.txt) 0 $file(file.txt).size &tempfile

  ;Print the binary variable data as text, outputs 'Hello world!'
  echo -ag $bvar(&tempfile, 1-).text


Added in 1.9.0

/bset [-tacz] <&binvar> <N> <asciivalue> [asciivalue ... asciivalue]

Sets the <N>th byte in binary variable &binvar to the specified ascii value.

If N = -1, the data is added to the end of the variable.

If the &binvar docent exists it is created.
If <N> is larger than the size of &binvar it will be zero filled up to <N> bytes.
If you specify multiple ASCII values, they are copied to successive positions after byte position N.


Switch Description
-t Treat values a plain text.
-a Disables UTF-8 encoding of characters in the range 0-255, as long as the text contains no characters > 255.
-c Chops the &binvar at the end of the copied bytes.
-z Creates new or truncates existing &binvar at zero length.


Parameter Description
<&binvar> The &binvar to modify.
<N> The byte to modify. (one based)
<asciivalue> The ASCII value to insert.


alias example {
  ; Create a binary variable set it to "This is fun!" 
  bset -t &Example 1 This is fun!

  ; Print out the content of the variable
  echo -a $bvar(&Example, 1-).text


Added in 1.9.0

/bunset <&binvar> [&binvar ... &binvar]

Unsets the specified list of &binvars.


Parameter Description
<&binvar> The &binvar to unset.
[&binvar ... &binvar] Additional &binvars to unset.


Added in 1.9.0

/bcopy [-zc] <&binvar> <N> <&binvar> <S> <M>

Copies <M> bytes from position <S> in the second &binvar to the first &binvar at position <N>.
This can also be used to copy overlapping parts of a &binvar to itself.


Switch Description
-z The bytes in the second &binvar that is copied are zero-filled after the copy.
-c The first &binvar is chopped to <N> + <M>.


Parameter Description
<&binvar> Target &binvar to copy to.
<N> Target position in the first &binvar to copy to. (If N = -1, bytes are appended to the destination &binvar)
<&binvar> Source &binvar to copy from.
<S> Source position to copy from.
<M> Number of bytes to copy.


alias /example {
  ;Create a binary variable and assign it some text
  bset -t &example 1 This is a test!

  ;Copy from 'example' from the 11th byte 10 bytes onward
  ;Zero-fill the part that was copied
  bcopy -z &example2 1 &example 11 10

  ;Print out &example's content (up to the first null)
  echo -a $bvar(&example, 1-).text

  ;Print out &example2's content
  echo -a $bvar(&example2, 1-).text 


Added in 1.9.0

/breplace <&binvar> <oldvalue> <newvalue> [oldvalue newvalue...]

Replaces all matching ASCII values in &binvar with new values.

Multiple values can be replaced by adding more old/new parameters.


Parameter Description
<&binvar> The &binvar to modify.
<oldvalue> ASCII value to replace.
<newvalue> ASCII value to insert.


alias example {
  ;Create a binary variable set it to "Hello World" 
  bset -t &Example 1 Hello World

  ;Replace e (ASCII value 101) with 3 (ASCII value 51)
  breplace &Example 101 51

  ;Echo our new string
  echo -a $bvar(&Example,1,$bvar(&Example,0)).text


Added in 1.9.0

/btrunc <filename> <bytes>

Truncates/extends a file to the specified length.


Parameter Description
<filename> The file to truncate.
<bytes> Number of bytes to truncate/extend to.


alias example {
  ;Create variable %temp and add some data.
  /var %temp = Hello! World

  ;Write to variable %temp's content.
  /bwrite Example 0 $len(%temp) %temp

  ;Truncate the file down to 6 bytes.
  /btrunc Example 6

  ;Read the file into a variable.
  /bread Example 0 $file(Example).size &Example

  ;Print out the variable's content.
  /echo -a $bvar(&Example,1,$bvar(&Example,0)).text

  ;Delete the file.
  /remove Example


Added in 1.9.0


Returns M ASCII values from a &binvar starting from the Nth byte.

N-N2 can be used to get a range of ASCII values.
N- can be used to get all ASCII values from position N.


Parameter Description
&binvar The &binvar to use.
N Position to start retrieving bytes.
M Numbers of bytes to get.


Property Description
.text Returns plain text instead of ASCII values.
.word Outputs decimal value of a 2-byte word, seeing bytes in little-endian byte order (low value first, (unsigned 16 bit)
.nword Outputs decimal value of a 2-byte word, seeing bytes in big-endian byte order (high value first, unsigned 16 bit)
.sword Outputs decimal value of a 2-byte word, seeing bytes in little-endian byte order (low value first, signed 16 bit, AdiIRC only)
.nsword Outputs decimal value of a 2-byte word, seeing bytes in big-endian byte order (high value first, signed 16 bit, AdiIRC only)
.long Outputs decimal value of a 4-byte dword (unsigned long), seeing bytes in little-endian byte order (low value first, unsigned 32 bit)
.nlong Outputs decimal value of a 4-byte dword (unsigned long), seeing bytes in big-endian byte order (high value first. unsigned 32 bit)
.slong Outputs decimal value of a 4-byte dword (unsigned long), seeing bytes in little-endian byte order (low value first, signed 32 bit, AdiIRC only)
.nslong Outputs decimal value of a 4-byte dword (unsigned long), seeing bytes in big-endian byte order (high value first. signed 32 bit AdiIRC only)
.uint64 Outputs decimal value of an 8-byte qword (unsigned long), seeing bytes in little-endian byte order (low value first, unsigned 64 bit AdiIRC only)
.nuint64 Outputs decimal value of an 8-byte qword (unsigned long), seeing bytes in big-endian byte order (high value first. unsigned 64 bit AdiIRC only)
.sint64 Outputs decimal value of an 8-byte qword (unsigned long), seeing bytes in little-endian byte order (low value first, signed 64 bit, AdiIRC only)
.nsint64 Outputs decimal value of an 8-byte qword (unsigned long), seeing bytes in big-endian byte order (high value first. signed 64 bit AdiIRC only)


; Returns the length of the binary variable.
//echo -ag $bvar(&binvar,0)        

; Returns ASCII value at position N.
//echo -ag $bvar(&binvar,1)

; Returns ASCII values from 5 to 8.
//echo -ag $bvar(&binvar,5,3)

; Returns ASCII values from 5 to end.
//echo -ag $bvar(&binvar,5-)

; Returns plain text from 5 to 8 up to the first zero character.
//echo -ag $bvar(&binvar,5,3).text

; Returns &binvar if the binvar exists.
//echo -ag $bvar(&binvar)


Added in 1.9.0

$bfind(&binvar, N, M, [name])

Searches a &binvar for a matching value.

The search is case-insensitive.


Parameter Description
&binvar The &binvar to search.
N The position of the &binvar to start the search.
M Numeric ASCII character(s) or text to search.
[name] Name to store in $regml for the result(s) when using the .regex property. (optional)


Property Description
.text Force a text search if the search text (M) is a number.
.textcs Search case-sensitive.
.regex TODO
.regextext Performs a regular expression search for the pattern M on UTF8 encoded text from the binvar. (AdiIRC Only)


; Finds "test" starting from position 1.
//echo -a $bfind(&test, 1, test)

; Finds character 32 (a space) from position 5.
//echo -a $bfind(&test, 5, 32)

; Finds WAV from position 1.
//echo -a $bfind(&test, 1, 87 65 86)

Updated by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago · 2 revisions

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