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Mr. BS, 02/11/2017 02:26 AM


There are some notable AdiIRC features.



1 - Nick Column

Nick Column in action

Nick Column feature right aligns automatically the nicks in messages buffer area.

The column can be customized by several ways: Auto expand, width, visible, hidden, locked and color.

See also /nickcolumn && /window -qN.


2 - Search Options

Options search filter

AdiIRC has so many features, with the search field on options interface it does not matter, you always find what you are looking for.

See also Options Dialog, /options, /config, /setoption, /setconfig.


3 - Advanced Highlights

Highlights options

Highlights on AdiIRC has a set of advanced features for total control.

See also Highlights Options.

Edit Highlight options

Limit to specific network; Custom colors, even RGB; Regex for powerful match; Sounds; Tray tip message and run command, both supporting scripting, and more.

Ignore highlights interface

Ignore highlights from bad users and specific channels, a must have feature.

Highlight Alert notice example


4 - System Information

System Information customization

Information about your system hardware is integrated on AdiIRC and fully customizable for quick sharing.

See also Sysinfo Options.

Statusbar bandwidth monitoring

Statusbar bandwidth monitoring widget


5 - Colors

Full colors list

Extensive colors customization for almost any aspect of GUI interface.

See also Colors Options.

Colors context menu

Context menu turns it easy to copy/paste/reset colors.

Colors output example

Support for RGB colors over IRC.

See also Formatting text.


6 - Highlight matching lines when hovering nicks

Highlight nick messages lines

Excellent feature to follow messages by same user. The colors are customizable.


7 - Custom Fonts Everywhere

All fonts options

Menubar? Editbox? Statusbar? Messages? Every element has it's own config to set custom font.

See also Fonts Options, /font.


8 - Awesome Editbox

Editbox options

Editbox (the field where you type messages, capsche?) on AdiIRC is very powerful. It supports undo after evaluate scripting $identifiers; Can save and restore history for any window over the session; It is possible to merge history of all windows to act as a global unified list; Tabcomplete order and auto suffix append, eg. nick: ; And more.

See also Editbox Options.


9 - Links Control

Links options

Links warning popup

Control over links where other apps lacks options. Open by single or double click, colors and underline toggle, open in custom browser other than the system default one, prompt before to open.

See also Links Options && /url.


10 - Events Control

Global Events Control options

Events Control per channel

Extensive list of most commons irc events for easy control where to display or just suppress them. Global config and per channel is supported.

See also Events Options, Scripting Events, $eventtarget.


11 - Auto Update

Check for updates options

New update notification

AdiIRC has built in the ability to check for and auto update to new versions automatically. No pain manual replace files! And if you want permanently to skip the update, just click respective button, then it will notify you only when next version/build is out.

See also Check for updates options && /betaup.


12 - Nick Colors

Nick Colors options

Nick Colors examples

Random nick colors is one of the best features an irc client could have. In AdiIRC two algorithm are available, one based on limited 0-15 mIRC colors, like most other clients, and one more advanced using extended RGB colors palette. Also is possible to define fixed colors for nicks and other various rules such as user status, idle time, etc.

See also Nick Colors Options && $nick.

Random Nick Colors on nicklist

Random nick colors applied to nicklist.


13 - Spell Checker

Spell Checker

Spell Checker is a basic feature on AdiIRC, easy to use, manage and download dictionary languages. Add custom words also is supported.

See also Spellcheck.


14 - Powerful Server List Manager

Powerful Server List Manager

ServerList on AdiIRC is very powerful.


- Favorites networks;
- Built in list of popular networks for easy pick;
- Few auto login method, including SASL;
- Delay control for autojoin channels and between joins;
- Option to prioritize IPV6;
- Custom label on treebar;
- Perform commands on connect;
- Auto regain nick;
- Quit message per server;
- Proxy per server;
- Support for all modern type of SSL protocol, even TLS 1.2 and also certificates.
- And much more to discover.

See also Serverlist Dialog, /serverlist.


15 - Now Playing Info

Now Playing Info supported players

Now Playing Info for popular players is integrated on AdiIRC.

See also Media Player Options, /np, On SONG && On SONGEND events.

Now Playing Info statusbar widget

Statusbar widget, double clicking it send info to active window. An easy way to share to your friends what you are listening.

Now Playing Info output example

Channel action output example.

Now Playing Info output tags customization

Output is totally customizable by identifiers tags.

Now Playing Info toolbar control buttons

Toolbar control buttons for supported players.

Now Playing Info playlist search

Playlist search in supported players for quick changing music.


16 - Scripting Nicklist Tooltip

Nicklist Tooltip example

Nicklist Tooltip does parse full scripting, then display useful nick info on mouse over is pretty easy. The example code is available on boards.

See also Nicklist Tooltip Options.

Nicklist Tooltip options

Nicklist tooltip field to customize content. The whole power of MSL Scripting is dispose for you.


17 - Nicklist Buttons

Nicklist Buttons overview

Custom nicklist buttons powered by scripting! Making quick actions is easy as pie. Buttons can be toggled in Menubar -> View.

See also Show Nicklist Buttons.


18 - Custom Icons Everywhere

Icons options

Network favicon

AdiIRC is highly customizable, then there are many places where you can set custom icons.

Network website icon can be fetched if enabled.

See also Icons Options, /icon.

Nicklist icons options

Several rules to set custom nicklist icons.

Custom toolbar icons

Custom toolbar icons? sure.

See also /toolbar.

Custom menu icons

Custom menu icons? why not!

See also $menuicon.

Custom statusbar icons

Custom statusbar icons? Absolutely yes!

See also /statusbar.

Treebar custom icons

Treebar custom icons.

Nicklist custom icons

Nicklist custom icons.


19 - Full Featured Statusbar

Statusbar toggle options

Statusbar customized by scripting

Few "widgets" are available in standard AdiIRC statusbar and, by scripting user can extend it adding how many new entries they need. In screenshot above were added many custom items, most using unicode chars to simulate icons.

See more info on /statusbar, $statusbar, Statusbar Options.


20 - Custom Menu Items on Menubar

Custom menu items on menubar

Customizing Menubar on AdiIRC is quite simple by scripting.

See more info on /menubar, $menubar.


21 - Emoticons Draw

Custom emoticons images turns your irc much more fun. =)

See more info on Emoticons Options, $emoticons, $imagechar.


22 - Monitoring Panels

Monitoring Panels options
Monitoring panels dockable to any side of interface alone or integrated to more panels.

Sticked panels are excluded from F2 toggle hotkey. As usual, there are several options to customize them, such as logging to disk, max buffer, exclude channels, colors and more.

See also Monitor Panels Options, /dockpanels, $dockpanels.

Monitoring Panels demonstration

Rearranging panels by drag and drop.


23 - Themes Manager

Themes manager previews

Themes manager for easy preview, load and save. Including latest MTS revision themes support.

See also /themes.

Export/save theme interface

Export/save theme interface. Bundle any kind of supported resources, such as icons, background images, scripts, emoticons, sounds, etc.

Share your custom made themes on boards.

Load theme interface

Load theme interface.


24 - Scripting Engine

Scripts Editor

Editor search panel

AdiIRC has a powerful scripting language which can be used to extend/change the clients behavior.

It's modeled after the popular mIRC scripting language, aka MSL.

The whole language is documented on Scripting wiki and also distributed in a CHM help file on each new stable release.

The editor is friendly and feature rich.

See also /scripts.

Don't forget to share scripts you wrote with the community on boards.

Updated by Mr. BS over 7 years ago · 81 revisions

Also available in: PDF HTML TXT