Added in 1.9.0
/dialog -abcdefghijklmnoprstuvx <name> [newname|table] [x y w h] [text|filename] [N]
Allows you to create a modeless dialog with the -m switch.
See also $dialog, on DIALOG, Dialog Items.
Switch | Description |
-a | Used with -m, uses currently active window as the parent. |
-b | Interprets size as dbu. |
-c | Click cancel button. |
-d | Open dialog on the desktop, used with -m. |
-e | Restores the dialog if created on the desktop. |
-f | Hides the window borders. (AdiIRC only) |
-g | Renames existing dialog using <name> <newname>. |
-h | Make dialog work with active server connection. TODO |
-i | Minimize the dialog if created on the desktop. |
-j | Shows the window borders/allows resizing the dialog window. (AdiIRC only) |
-k | Click the "ok" button. |
-l | TODO |
-m | Create a modeless dialog using 'table'. |
-n | Unset ontop setting. |
-o | Set dialog ontop of all windows. |
-p | Interprets size as pixels. |
-r | Centers dialog. |
-s | Set dialog position/size. |
-t | Set dialog title to 'text'. |
-u | Set dialog icon to 'filename'. (AdiIRC only) |
-v | Makes the dialog the active window. |
-x | Close a dialog without triggering any events. |
Parameter | Description |
<name> | Name of the dialog to create. |
[newname] | Newname used with -g |
[table] | Name of the dialog table to use. |
[x y w h] | X/Y Position on the desktop and the Height/Width of the dialog. |
[text|filename] | Dialog title text or dialog icon filename. |
[N] | Icon index. (AdiIRC only, used with -u) |
; Create a dialog table. Dialog Example1 { title "This is Example 1" size -1 -1 172 129 option dbu tab "Tab A", 14, 2 0 165 123 tab "Tab B", 15 tab "Tab C", 16 edit "", 17, 8 16 154 104, tab 16 multi return autohs vsbar menu "&File", 1 item "&New", 6, 1 item "&Open", 7, 1 item break, 8, 1 item "&Save", 9, 1 item "Save &as", 10, 1 menu "&Edit", 2 item "&Copy", 11, 2 item "P&aste", 12, 2 menu "&view", 3 item "&All", 13, 3 menu "&Help", 4 item "&About", 5, 4 } ; Create and show the dialog as modeless and on the desktop. /dialog -md Example1 Example1
Added in 1.9.0
/did -abcdefghijklmnorstuvz <name> <id> [n] [text | filename | start [end]]
The /did command allows you to modify the values of controls in a dialog,
Switch | Description |
-a | Add line of text to end. |
-b | Disable id. |
-c | Check checkbox/radiobutton list/combo line. |
-d | Delete Nth line. |
-e | Enable id. |
-f | Set focus on id. |
-g | Set a new icon/image to an icon control. |
-h | hide id |
-i | Insert text at Nth line. |
-j | Resets the edited setting in an editbox. TODO |
-k | Works with -cu, keeps other selections in a listbox. |
-l | Uncheck the checkbox of an item in a listcb control. |
-m | Disables editbox. |
-n | Enables editbox. |
-o | Overwrite Nth line with text. |
-r | Clear all text in id. |
-s | Checks the checkbox of an item in a listcb control. |
-t | Set id as default button. |
-u | Uncheck checkbox/radiobutton list/combo line. |
-v | Make id visible. |
-z | Resets the width of horizontal scrollbar in listbox. TODO |
Parameter | Description |
<name> | Name of the dialog. |
<id> | Id of the control to edit, you can use the form N-N1,N2-N3 to change multiple id's at once, 1-5,6,9 would change the following ids: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9. |
[n] | Usually a line number, it can also be an id number with menus, use 0 if you want to access the editbox of a combo control. |
[text] | The text parameter if applicable. |
[filename] | Filename used with -g. |
|start [end] | Used with -z to set the range of a scrollbar, or with -c to set a selection |
Added in 1.9.0
/didtok <name> <id> <c> <text>
Tokenizes a string by character c, then adds the result to a dialog list/combo/edit box.
Parameter | Description |
<name> | Name of the dialog. |
<id> | Id of the dialog control. |
<c> | ASCII value to tokenize by. |
<text> | Text to tokenize. |
; Dialog table layout. dialog colors { size -1 -1 100 200 list 1, 10 10 80 180 } ; Run the dialog. /dialog -m colors colors ; Tokenize the string "red blue orange yellow" by whitespace and insert result into the list control. /didtok colors 1 32 red blue orange yellow
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the id of the matched dialog id during a on DIALOG event.
on *:DIALOG:*:*:{ echo -ag The matched dialog id is $did }
Returns settings and values from a dialog item.
See also /dialog, on DIALOG, Dialog Items.
Parameter | Description |
[name] | If specified, name of the dialog otherwise $dname from the current event is used. (optional) |
id | Id of the dialog item. |
[N] | If N = 0, get number of lines, otherwise the Nth line for a item with multiple lines. (optional) |
Property | Description |
.text | Returns line or Nth line. |
.len | Returns length of line or length of Nth line. |
.lines | Returns number of lines. |
.sel | If N = 0, returns number of lines otherwise the Nth selected line. |
.seltext | Returns selected text in an editbox or first selected item in a listbox. |
.selstart | Returns select start character in editbox line. |
.selend | Returns select end character in editbox line. |
.edited | Returns $true if text in editbox was changed, otherwise $false. |
.state | Returns 0 = off, 1 = on, and 2 = indeterminate. |
.next | Returns id of next control in tab key order. |
.prev | Returns id of previous control in tab key order. |
.visible | Returns $true if the control is visible, otherwise $false. |
.enabled | Returns $true if the control is enabled, otherwise $false. |
.isid | Returns $true if id exists in the dialog, otherwise $false. |
.csel | If N is 0, returns number of checked lines, otherwise line number of the Nth checked box in a listcb control. |
.cstate | Returns 0 = off, 1 = on for item in a listcb control (listbox created using the check parameter). |
.type | Returns the dialog item type. (AdiIRC only) |
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the number of the line that matches the wildtext, with the search starting at line N.
Parameter | Description |
[name] | If specified, name of the dialog otherwise $dname from the current event is used. (optional) |
id | Id of the dialog item. |
wildtext | The wildtext to search. |
[N] | If N = 0, number of matches, otherwise the Nth match. (optional) |
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the number of the line that matches the regular expression, with the search starting at line N.
Parameter | Description |
[name] | If specified, name of the dialog otherwise $dname from the current event is used. (optional) |
id | Id of the dialog item. |
regex | The regular expression to perform. |
[N] | If N = 0, number of matches, otherwise the Nth match. (optional) |
Added in 1.9.1
Returns a tokenized list of the items in a dialog list/combo/edit box.
Parameter | Description |
[name] | If specified, name of the dialog otherwise $dname from the current event is used. (optional) |
id | Id of the dialog item. |
C | The ASCII value to tokenize by. |
Added in 1.9.0
on <level>:DIALOG:<name>:<event>:<id>
Triggers when a dialog item state is changed, e.g clicking a button or types text in a Editbox.
See also $dname, $devent, $did, /dialog, $dialog, Dialog Items.
<level> - The User Access Level for the event to trigger.
<name> - The dialog name that this event triggers for; wildcards accepted.
<event> - The dialog event that this event triggers for; wildcards accepted.
<id> - The id name of the dialog item to listen for; wildcards accepted. Multiple IDs can be specified in the form: 1,2,3,4-8,9
<commands> - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met.
Event | Description |
active | Triggers when the dialog is made active. |
close | Triggered when a dialog has been closed. |
dclick | Occurs when a double left-click has occurred in a list box or combo box, as well as on the dialog itself. |
drop | Triggers when an item has been dragged and dropped with the mouse. |
edit | When text in an Editbox or a combo box has changed. |
init | This event ID is 0, and triggers before a dialog is displayed. This allows initialization time for the dialog and its items. |
menu | Whenever a menu-item is selected. |
mouse | When the mouse is moved. |
rclick | Works when the mouse right-clicks. |
sclick | Occurs during a single-click in a list box/combo box, during check/uncheck of radio/check buttons, or during the click of a button. |
scroll | A scrollbar control position has changed. |
uclick | Left mouse button has been released/gone up. |
Updated by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago · 1 revisions